27 September 2000 SatCAST seminar
Programme of Today 13:00IntroductionHarald Holt Leo Root 13:15ESAThe Satcast Project and the Telecommunications R&D in ESA Roberto Donadio 13:45UNISALSatellite Multicast for Web Applications Hilmar Linder 14:15Break 14:30West ConsultingSatCAST architecture (with demo) Gertjan van Oosten 15:00NLRNEONET an application for SatCAST Edwin Wisse
SatCAST Parties involved –Project Team ESA European Space Agency West Consulting B.V. UNISAL University of Salzburg NLR National Space Laboratory, The Netherlands –User Community UNEP
SatCAST – background Project builds on SAWA –Satellite Access to Web Applications Provide common users access to web applications through satellites SatCAST adds RRMP IP Multicast Enhance bandwidth efficiency Responsiveness
SatCAST – the speakers Roberto Donadio Hilmar Linder Gertjan van Oosten Edwin Wisse
SatCAST - demo Normal Web browsing Push and Pull UNEP and other Applications –Jelle van Zeijl
SatCAST – demo : NEONET
Roberto Donadio
Hilmar Linder
Gertjan van Oosten
Edwin Wisse
27 September 2000 SatCAST seminar
The End