© THE DOVE SERVICE Content Recognise some triggers, signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression Highlighting stigma and discrimination associated with mental ill health Introduce The Dove Service and what we are funded for in this area
© THE DOVE SERVICE What does health and well being mean to you?
© THE DOVE SERVICE What is mental health? Mental health and well being is relevant to us all. However we only tend to take notice of mental health if it becomes a problem for us. 1 in 4 of people will experience mental ill health at some point this year. 1 in 6 people in the UK will experience illness related to anxiety Depression affects 1 in 12 of the population Mixed anxiety and depression is the most common mental health problem in Britain
© THE DOVE SERVICE What is mental ill health? The definition of ‘mental ill health’ or ‘mental health problems’ covers a very wide spectrum, from the worries and grief we all experience as part of everyday life to the most bleak, suicidal depression or clinical diagnosis of a mental health illness. Everybody responds differently to the stresses and strains of modern life and it is common to describe ourselves as ‘depressed’, ‘stressed’ or ‘anxious’ at times. For some, these feelings can become serious enough to make it difficult to carry on with everyday life.
© THE DOVE SERVICE What is good mental health? Good mental health is characterised by a person’s ability to fulfil a number of key functions and activities such as: The ability to learn The ability to feel, express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions The ability to form and maintain good relationships with others The ability to cope with and manage change and uncertainty
© THE DOVE SERVICE Recognising triggers, signs and symptoms It will be helpful if we all can identify clues when all is not well. It’s obvious if someone is feeling under the weather due to a heavy cold or a foot injury. It will not be so obvious to recognise when we are experiencing mental ill health. Would we be able to recognise triggers, signs and symptoms in ourselves and those around us?
© THE DOVE SERVICE Triggers Change Stressful events Juggling life's demands home/children/relationships/work/finances/ caring for someone Physical health problem Relationship difficulties or a break up Trauma (e.g. Car accident) Illness of a loved one Bereavement Loss Feeling lonely (isolated) Personality traits (e.g. periodic dips in confidence and feelings of low self esteem) Lifestyle – alcohol, drugs, diet, lack of exercise Domestic violence Abuse (physical, verbal, psychological) Bullying and harassment
© THE DOVE SERVICE Physical Signs Tired Unwashed – hair, clothes Looking more dishevelled that usual Feeling unwell/nausea/dizzy/headaches Sudden weight loss or gain Changes in breathing pattern Tense Sweating Lack of energy
© THE DOVE SERVICE Behavioural Signs Lack of concentration Restless/fidgety Speaking or moving more slowly Use of drugs or alcohol Putting off jobs/making excuses Change in level of/and or nature of communication Not hitting targets/KPIs Nail biting /Teeth grinding Self harm
© THE DOVE SERVICE Emotional Signs Withdrawal Lack of motivation Mood swings Tearful Sadness Angry or irritable Overwhelmed Helplessness Suicidal thoughts Numbness Nervous Worrying
© THE DOVE SERVICE Psychological Symptoms/feelings Feelings of losing control or going mad Feeling as though people are looking at them Feelings of wanting to run away/escape Feeling detached from their environment Feeling like everything is going to fast or too slow Feeling fearful of something awful happening or that they are ill Feeling bad about oneself
© THE DOVE SERVICE Stigma and Discrimination Stigma – originally means a sign, point or branding mark. This can lead to labelling. Discrimination – prejudice, being treated differently due to being associated with a certain group or category. Treatment is usually in a negative way. 9 out of 10 people with mental health problems will experience stigma and discrimination Stigma and discrimination can be far worse than the actual condition itself.
© THE DOVE SERVICE Summary We have … Recognised triggers, signs and symptoms of mental ill health Highlighted stigma and discrimination associated with mental ill health