Sarcoma cancer patient pathways Why do sarcoma cancer patients breach cancer waiting time targets?
Referral Pathway Day 0 – Mrs Smith is referred by their GP on 2ww pathway She is phoned by the Fast Track team and offered an appointment for Day 14 (she is unable to attend) Day 17 – Mrs Smith accepts the second appointment offered Has Mrs Smith breached the 2 Week Wait target?
Referral Pathway Considerations Could we have offered Mrs Smith an earlier appointment to allow a second option if she cancelled or is unavailable? Did the GP communicate to Mrs Smith why she was being referred and that should expect an appointment within 2 weeks?
Treatment Pathway Mr Jones was referred to Hospital A. He attended an appointment on Day 17 of his pathway in Hospital A Due to the procedure he required a tertiary referral was made to Hospital B to see a plastic surgeon On Day 50 Mr Jones attends his Outpatient Appointment with the surgeon at Hospital B It is decided he should be listed for a procedure How many days are left to treat Mr Jones on his cancer waits pathway?
Treatment Pathway Considerations What date was Mr Jones originally referred to Hospital A? – Was he referred as a 2 Week Wait patient? What information was transferred to Hospital B from Hospital A – was this acted on? When the decision to treat is made Mr Jones should be treated within 31 days: – However this may be after his 62 day breach date, so which date is sooner?
Summary Reasons for patients being delayed along their pathway: ‘Unavoidable’ delays: -Patient is medically unwell and unfit for treatment -Patient doesn’t attend appointments -Patient chooses to delay appointments ‘Avoidable’ delays: -Capacity issues prevent scheduling on target -Administrative errors -Incorrect / lack of communication