CURRICULUM STRUCTURE FOR 2015 Lessons are in 60 min or 90 min blocks 2 half-hourly break times every day. The timetable will be structured in a 2-week (or a 10- day) cycle. Lower Sec Science classes are conducted in Semestral modules. Semester 1: 2 Jan – 24 Apr & Semester 2: 27 Apr – end of year. MondaysTuesdaysWednesdaysThursdaysFridays Day 1 (odd) Day 6 (even) Day 2 (o) Day 7 (e) Day 3 (o) Day 8 (e) Day 4 (o) Day 9 (e) Day 5 (o) Day 10 (e)
CURRICULUM STRUCTURE IN 2015 Day 1 st period Last periodAfternoon classesScheduled remedial Other activities Mon0730h1400h CCA starts 1500h Tue0730h1430h : S2MEP : Languages 1530 – 1630: Maths CCA starts 1630h Wed0830h1400h CCA starts 1500h Thu0730h1430h : Sciences 1530 – 1630: Humanities CCA starts 1630h Fri0730h1430hCCA starts 1500h
2015 CALENDAR Swap in timetable/ curriculum days in 2015 M (-2 Days)T (-3 Days)W (-3 Days)T (-4 Days)F (-3 Days) Term 1 (o)Feb 18 CNY cel (o)Feb 19 CNY (o)Feb 20 CNY Term 2(e) FRI tt Mar 31 (e)Apr 2 X-ctry (e)Apr 3 Gd Fri (e)May 1 Labour Day Term 3 (e)Jul 6 Youth Day (o)FRI tt Jul 14 (o)Jul 17 HR Puasa (e)FRI tt Jul 22 (e)Jul 23 FD FDR (e)Jul FD (o)Aug 10 Day aft ND (e)FRI tt Aug 4 (e)Aug 7 ND cel (e)Sep 3 Tr Dy cel (e)Sep 4 Tr Day Term 4(e)THUR tt 23 Sep (e)Sep 24 HR Haji
AFTERNOON CO-CURRICULAR SCHEDULE MEP lessons & 3 rd Language classes take priority over all other afternoon activities except when there are compulsory school events or participation in approved competitions Note on 3 rd Language: 1.Be committed for the whole year. Marks will be captured from semester 1 and included in overall percentage for the year 2.Withdrawal process is via the language centre 3.If transport arrangement to the centre is needed, please contact Mdm Junita.
CONVERSATIONAL MALAY PROGRAMME Another language learning opportunity for all levels ~ Conversational language competency and cultural awareness ~ Curriculum focus on listening, speaking and recognising simple words/characters ~ Elementary module on Thursdays 3 – 5 pm (5 weeks: 5 February to 12 March) ~ Registration forms are available at the General Office or from any of the Mother Tongue Language teachers.
Each subject will set approx. 1 – 1.5 hr of homework per week Average time spent on homework in a week = hours Students need to exercise good time management, discipline HOMEWORK POLICY
Valid Reasons for Absence 1. Unwell and covered with Medical Certificate valid for test day (copies of mc to be given to FT & to respective subject teachers) 2. Test falls on the same day of an approved competition (interschool, international). The teacher i/c of competition will inform the staff BUT students should also take responsibility to alert their respective teachers. ABSENCE FROM TESTS & EXAMS
YEAR 2 ASSESSMENTS IP-track Assessment Type End-of- Semester Exam (Mid-Year) Coursework Assignments & class tests for Terms 1 – 3 End-of-Year Examination Weighting for all subjects except Science 20% 10%50% Weighting for Sciences 40%20%40%
YEAR 2 PROMOTIONS IP track 6 relevant subjects 1. Language Arts 2. Mother Tongue** 3. History / Geography 4. Mathematics 5. Physical Sciences / Life Sciences 6. Any other subject Promotion to Year 3 Students must meet all the 3 criteria: An aggregate point of 26 points or more based on 6 relevant subjects; At least 1 bonus point for their performance in PTK and IS; and A score requirement of at least 4 points in these 6 subjects. ** This subject will be replaced with any other subject for a student who has been exempted from offering Mother Tongue.
Letters s and phone calls Announcements through MGS website Newsletters School sms Progress reports after CAs & Exams Parents Level Briefing Parent-Teacher Meeting with class, subject & CCA teachers (18 April 2014, Saturday) ParentLink COMMUNICATION PLATFORMS WITH PARENTS/GUARDIANS
ROCS - PENANG The objectives: (I) To provide authentic contexts and experiences for applied learning (II) To develop the whole child in the four domains - cognitive, affective, physical and spiritual across disciplines (III) To develop the 21st Century Competencies of global awareness and cross-cultural skills and sensitivities (IV) To broaden cultural perspectives for better understanding of life (V) To provide opportunities for service to the community/ society
Tentative Schedule Term 2 Week 10 May 25 – 29 ROCS - PENANG
Being a Team Player SEC 2 LEVEL THEME