Spelling Lesson 23 Spelling Tip Spelling Homophones forth flour their foul threw miner waste fowl there minor waist through they’re flower fourth pour principal pore principle poor Spelling Lesson 23 Spelling Homophones Spelling Tip Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings.
16-20. Write the Challenge Words in homophone groups. forth flour their foul threw miner waste fowl there minor waist through they’re flower fourth pour principal pore principle poor 1-15. Write the Core Words in homophone groups. Circle the group with three words. 16-20. Write the Challenge Words in homophone groups.
forth flour their foul threw miner waste fowl there minor waist through they’re flower fourth pour principal pore principle poor Foul Fowl Long ago lived a rooster known as the ( 1 ) ( 2 ) because it was not very pleasant. Every morning it crowed at the farmer’s window until he came ( 3 ) to feed it. Usually that was by the ( 4 ) or fifth COCK-A-DOODLE-DO. “I think ( 5 ) is no need for that noise,” the farmer said. “People need ( 6 ) sleep and ( 7 ) complaining about you.” But the rooster did not care as long as the farmer ( 8 ) enough corn on the ground.
forth flour their foul threw miner waste fowl there minor waist through they’re flower fourth pour principal pore principle poor This was definitely not a ( 9 ) problem. Even the coal ( 10 ) down in the valley complained about the noise. One day the farmer said, “I am ( 11 ) getting up early to feed you. Tomorrow I will chase you off my farm.”
forth flour their foul threw miner waste fowl there minor waist through they’re flower fourth pour principal pore principle poor Then the farmer remembered that the rooster chased hungry rabbits out of the ( 12 ) gardens. Because of the rooster, grain did not go to ( 13 ) on the farm. That meant that more grain went to the mill and there was more ( 14 ) for the farmer’s bread. The farmer sighed and bowed at the ( 15 ). “You are forgiven,” he told the rooster. “I will see you again in the morning when you crow!”
Contraction Confusion forth flour their foul threw miner waste fowl there minor waist through they’re flower fourth pour principal pore principle poor Contraction Confusion Some contractions sound like other words, but their meanings and spellings are very different. Write the correct word to complete these sentences. 16. We must know ______ planning to go. (who’s; whose) 17. Try to clean ______ room before leaving. (your; you’re) 18. ______ jacket is this? (Who’s; Whose) 19. I am happy to know that _______ coming. 20. ______ the book I have been looking for! (Here’s; Hears)
Write the Core Words that rhyme with the words below. forth flour their foul threw miner waste fowl there minor waist through they’re flower fourth pour principal pore principle poor Rhyme and Write Write the Core Words that rhyme with the words below. 1-2. Two words that rhyme with new. Circle the word that is the past tense of throw. 3-4. Two words that rhyme with power. Circle the word that names something used in cooking. 5-7. Three words that rhyme with care. Circle the word that means” belonging to them.”
Someone who works in a mine Something that is less important forth flour their foul threw miner waste fowl there minor waist through they’re flower fourth pour principal pore principle poor Pick the Word Someone who works in a mine Something that is less important Part of the body Poor use minor or miner waste or waist
Something that is unpleasant forth flour their foul threw miner waste fowl there minor waist through they’re flower fourth pour principal pore principle poor Pick the Word A kind of large bird Something that is unpleasant Forward After third and before fifth. fowl or foul forth or fourth
Match and Write Write the Core Words that go with the pictures. forth flour their foul threw miner waste fowl there minor waist through they’re flower fourth pour principal pore principle poor Match and Write Write the Core Words that go with the pictures.
Do you want to help keep the farmer’s rooster quiet? forth flour their foul threw miner waste fowl there minor waist through they’re flower fourth pour principal pore principle poor Do you want to help keep the farmer’s rooster quiet? Write a letter telling farmers one way to keep a rooster or some other animal quiet. Use at least four Core Words from this lesson.
Here is a draft of part of one student’s letter. forth flour their foul threw miner waste fowl there minor waist through they’re flower fourth pour principal pore principle poor Here is a draft of part of one student’s letter. Find four misspelled words and write them correctly.