4 Step Problem Solving Window Pane
What is the main idea in the question of this problem? What are we looking for? What do we want to find out?” Write important information Write all numbers and word numbers Cross out unnecessary information Picture/Set up the problem Do the Math Check your work Do More Work if it’s a 2 step problem Write the answer in a sentence. Check to see if the answer answers the question
Anita was trying to help the parents bake cookies for PTO. The first night she baked 2 dozen. The second night she baked 36 cookies. The third night she baked 20 cookies but realized she forgot to add the secret ingredient so she threw them away. The fourth night she baked 48 cookies. How many cookies did she bake in all? What is the main idea in the question of this problem? What are we looking for? What do we want to find out?”
Anita was trying to help the parents bake cookies for PTO. The first night she baked 2 dozen. The second night she baked 36 cookies. The third night she baked 20 cookies but realized she forgot to add the secret ingredient so she threw them away. The fourth night she baked 48 cookies. How many cookies did she bake in all? Write important information Write all numbers and word numbers Cross out unnecessary information
Anita was trying to help the parents bake cookies for PTO. The first night she baked 2 dozen. The second night she baked 36 cookies. The third night she baked 20 cookies but realized she forgot to add the secret ingredient so she threw them away. The fourth night she baked 48 cookies. How many cookies did she bake in all? Picture/Set up the problem Do the Math Check your work Do More Work if it’s a 2 step problem
Anita was trying to help the parents bake cookies for PTO. The first night she baked 2 dozen. The second night she baked 36 cookies. The third night she baked 20 cookies but realized she forgot to add the secret ingredient so she threw them away. The fourth night she baked 48 cookies. How many cookies did she bake in all? Write the answer in a sentence. Check to see if the answer answers the question