Writing the Report
Drafting the Report Distinguish the Functions of the Report Sections Ensure Coherence at All Levels of the Report Acknowledge Data in Report from Secondary Sources Edit and Proofread the Report
Basic Divisions of a Formal Report Prefatory Parts Supplementary Parts The Report Proper
Prefatory Parts May include: Letter of Authorisation Title Page Letter of Authorisation Letter of Transmittal Table of Contents List of Illustrations Executive Summary May include:
Supplementary Parts May include: Endnotes Appendix References (Sources) Endnotes Appendix May include:
The Report Proper Includes: Findings Conclusions Recommendations Introduction Findings Conclusions Recommendations Includes:
Ensure coherence at all levels of the report provide introductory comments use general statements/topic sentences use transitional devices incorporate charts & tables into text
Acknowledge Data in Report from Secondary Sources Author-Date System … (Lee, 2000: 67) Superscript System … led to a 12% increase in profits.1
Edit and Proofread Check the Substance and Style Check for Consistency and Errors Ensure the report is Attractive and Neat
Remember the 5 Cs Clarity Conciseness Coherence Correctness Courtesy
MY SPELLING CHEQUER Eye halve a spelling chequer It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steaks eye kin knot sea. Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me sew. ~ Sores unknown ~
Spell-check Non-errors e.g. too / to / two their / there its / it’s
Elements of a Well-written Report Carefully constructed outline Logical, consistent content Accurate information Clear writing style Neat and attractive presentation
Something to think about Some say report writing reflects the culture of specific corporate cultures. What do you understand by this assertion? Can you give examples of how reports reflect workplace cultures?