Writing in Social Work: Key Terms and Definitions
Two or more individuals, groups or agencies working together to achieve a goal that will benefit both parties.
Told in private and intended to be secret. Although communications between parents and social workers are confidentially made, they may be used in child abuse and neglect cases.
One person with interests on both sides of a court case. For example, a social worker who has counseled both parents involved in a child custody dispute.
When one person hurts another person's character, fame, or reputation by making false and malicious statements that are not protected by law. Superior Court of California:
The right to be represented by a lawyer in a speedy and fair court proceeding.
Any sort of proof submitted to a Court for the purpose of influencing the Court's decision. Some special kinds of evidence are: Circumstantial Evidence - Evidence which implies another fact. Direct Evidence - First-hand evidence, usually of a witness who saw an act committed. Hearsay Evidence - Testimony about an out-of-court statement made by someone other than the person testifying; for example, "I heard him say..." Except where the law provides an exception to the hearsay rule, such evidence is usually excluded because it is considered unreliable and because the person who made the original statement cannot be cross-examined as to the factual basis for the statement. There are numerous exceptions to the hearsay rule, however. Physical Evidence - Any tangible piece of proof, such as a document, x-ray print, photograph, firearm, etc. Also called "real" evidence. Delaware State Courts:
Words, phrases or acronyms used within a specific discipline that are not generally understood by the broader population. In Social Work, examples include: DCFS, micro- level, practice, strengths-based, systems theory and NASW.
Objective is based on fact and evidence while subjective is based on opinion. Objective statement: The boy threw a book at his brother. Subjective statement: The boy was angry and wanted to hurt his brother.
Citing another person’s working without giving credit. To avoid plagiarism, a source should be cited even when the writing is paraphrased.
Information shared with a source that cannot be used in legal proceedings against a client. While information shared with attorneys and priests is rarely admissible in court, communications with doctors and social workers are less protected and more likely to be admissible.
An official order to testify in a court case.