The Princess, the Prince, and the Witch By Caty Britt
Princess the Prince and the Witch Once upon a time there lived,a princess named Sierra, a prince named Matthew and a witch named Serra. When Sierra was 6 years old she had to stay with her Aunt Misty in Lolly-town a little town on the outside of Sierra’s kingdom because the evil witch was attacking the people of the kingdom.
The Princess and the Prince and the Witch Sierra lived with her Aunt Misty until she was 16 years old when her parents came to get her to help them fight the evil witch Serra and re-claim their kingdom. The witch fought with all of her might and tried to destroy Sierra and her parents. A handsome prince from a near- by kingdom heard of Sierra’s problems and rushed to help.
The Princess and the Prince and the Witch Seeing the handsome prince, Sierra fell in love and so did the evil witch. Both wanted to marry the handsome prince. The witch came up with a plan to get Sierra out of the way so that the prince would fall in love with her so that she could become Queen of his kingdom. She vowed to Sierra’s parents that she would leave their kingdom and never return.
The Princess and the Prince and the Witch Little did Sierra’s parents know, but the evil witch Serra had kidnapped Sierra and locked her away in a tower. The people of the kingdom searched high and low for Sierra but couldn’t find her because the evil witch Serra had used her magic to hide the tower from everyone. Serra even used her magic to make Prince Matthew believe that he was falling in love with her.
The Princess and the Prince and the Witch But the Queen and King found out what Serra had done and they bartered with another witch to find the antidote for the evil witch’s spells. They brought the potion to Prince Matthew, and he drank it, immediately remembering his love for the beautiful Princess Sierra and he began to hunt for her. He searched the woods for the tower that held his beloved princess.
The Princess and the Prince and the Witch When he finally located the tower, he yelled up to the window to get the attention of his beautiful princess that was trapped inside. Princess Sierra came running to the window to see who was yelling for her. She gasped in surprise to see her handsome prince down below on the ground. She threw down he long blonde hair, and the prince climbed up her hair and into the tower.
The Princess and the Prince and the Witch Once he was in the tower, Prince Matthew and Princess Sierra found the hidden door and escaped to head back towards the kingdom where Sierra’s parents were waiting. On their way, the came across the evil witch, Serra and the prince drew his sword and defeated the evil witch. Prince Matthew and Princess Sierra rushed back to the kingdom where they got married. And they lived happily ever after.
The Princess and the Prince and the Witch THE END