DTMS How-To 25 September 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

DTMS How-To 25 September 2009

Agenda APFT Mass Upload Scheduling Event and Mass Roster APFT Suicide Prevention Mass Upload How To Remove APFT’s

APFT MASS UPLOAD The following group roles are needed on a user’s account. This will allow the user to mass upload APFT data: Company Commander/1SG or Company Ops For all other group roles; the following individual role must be appended to the user’s account. This will allow the user to mass upload data: Manage APFT One Time Entry * This role can be a temporary (1 Time) assignment, or given as a standing capability for personnel authorized by their commander

The first thing you need to do is insure that all Profiles are entered for Soldiers. Profiles and APFT’s have to be entered into DTMS in correct chronological sequence! Only put in profiles that affect training.

First thing you need to do is insure that all Profiles are entered for soldiers. You can accomplish this by accessing the soldiers individual training record through soldier manager and clicking on PT History Tab Then click on Add APFT

NOTE: YOU CANNOT DELTE PROFILES NOTE: YOU CANNOT DELTE PROFILES. ALL YOU CAN DO IS EDIT THE END DATE AND COMMENTS SO INSURE THE INFORMATION IS CORRECT PRIOR TO INSERTING If you intend for a soldier to participate in an APFT you MUST select Permanent Profile in accordance with FM 21-20 Enter in the proper information on Start Date/End Date/Any Comments and Exemptions and Alternate Aerobic Event Once you are satisfied with the information entered Click Insert

Example Slide

Once you hit insert the Profile displays like this If need to edit the End Date or Comments you can click on Edit

NOTE: you can now edit the End Date and Comments Once you are content with the edited information click on UPDATE

Now that you have entered in ALL the APFT profiles into the individual soldiers record you can now enter in mass APFT scores. You can do this two Ways. Training Manager/APFTs/Hyper link number of “Soldiers requiring an APFT immediately” or; You can schedule an Event, build a by name roster, and evaluate the roster for APFT.

Go to Training Manager Scroll down to and click on APFTs

CLICK ON THE HYPER LINKED NUMBER IN THE “Soldiers requiring an APFT immediately” row

Identify the soldiers to take the APFT Identify the soldiers to take the APFT. You can do this by either checking the box next to their name, clicking on select page, or select all. Once you have selected the soldiers to take the APFT then click on Schedule selected

Enter an Event Name, Start Date, Start Time, End Date, End Time.

Scroll Down Click Save Notice the Soldier Roster (pending save) section. Located within will be the list of soldiers you selected above, which will be automatically inserted into a roster for the event once you click the save button.

The screen refreshes and gives you a Roster hyperlink The screen refreshes and gives you a Roster hyperlink. Click on the Roster Hyper link

This page displays your current roster that you built by clicking on the number hyper link next to Soldiers requiring an APFT. You can add additional soldiers to this roster by using the search option to locate them and selecting them as you had before If you have all the soldiers requiring APFT in the roster then click on Evaluate roster for APFT

Now all you need to do is enter in the Raw scores for the APFT Now all you need to do is enter in the Raw scores for the APFT. Identify if they did an alternate aerobic event. Enter in any comments and the location the APFT was conducted at.

Important Note on APFT Rosters Ensure that the events and rosters are divided into a) soldiers needing diagnostic APFT’s and b) soldiers needing record APFT’s. Ensure you schedule a separate event and roster for each group. DTMS can only enter APFT data as one type or the other. Please DO NOT mix both groups together on one roster.

Example Slide Note the message above and heed the warning. Once you look it over and insure the information is correct click calculate

Once you hit calculate you must identify if the APFT is for record or diagnostic APFT. NOTE: Once you save a RECORD test YOU CONNOT DELETE IT. So if it is a record test insure the accuracy of the information. Note: Before clicking to Post Results button you have the option of exporting the completed table below by clicking on the Export hyperlink. You can choose any of the formats listed below the link. Then click on Post results if you are confident in the Numbers and the outcome

Scheduling Event and Mass Roster APFT

Go to Training Manager / Schedule Event

Fill in the Event Name, Dates, Times, And then scroll down and click save as shown before in this slide show.

After Clicking Save the screen refreshes. Click on Roster

This is the Search for a Soldier Task Option Several Different search options to locate a soldier. For this example we’re going to search by unit.

Identify the soldiers to participate in the APFT as discussed in a previous slides. Select them and then hit save.

The screen refreshes and takes you back to the General Tab of the Schedule Event Page. From Here click on the Roster Hyperlink again.

Verify you soldiers are on the roster and then click on the Evaluate Roster for APFT hyperlink and follow the steps as shown in the previous slides.

Suicide Prevention Mass Upload The following group roles are needed on a user’s account. This will allow the user to mass upload APFT data: Company Commander/1SG or Company Ops For all other group roles; the following individual role must be appended to the user’s account. This will allow the user to mass upload data: Manage APFT One Time Entry * This role can be a temporary (1 Time) assignment, or given as a standing capability for personnel authorized by their commander

Go to Training Manager Scroll down to and Click on Mandatory

Scroll Down until you find the Suicide prevention training as mentioned in the ALARACT message. Once you find it click on the hyper linked number of soldiers over due

Identify the soldiers to be evaluated for training on the selected task. You can do this by either checking the box next to their name, clicking on select page, or select all. Once you have selected the soldiers to take the APFT then click on Schedule selected

Enter an Event Name, Start Date, Start Time, End Date, End Time.

Then scroll down and click on save

The screen will refresh and give you several tabs across the top of the page. Click on the “Tasks” tab.

The Screen will refresh with the Tasks page The Screen will refresh with the Tasks page. This page lists the task that is being trained on. From here you can evaluate the roster for completion of the task. You can do this by clicking on the “view” hyperlink in the roster column.

The screen will then display the roster with a pass and fail option for each name on the roster. Most likely majority of the personnel have successfully conducted the training I suggest you click on “Pass All” Then go threw and mark the ones who failed as such. You can do this by clicking in the bubble next to fail. You can also pass page, and deselect all if you maid a mistake. Once you are happy with the results you can then click on Save out come.


If you go back to Training Manager/Mandatory and look at the task you just evaluated you will see the number of Soldiers Completed change to reflect the evaluation of the roster.

If you receive a time out error when attempting to go threw mandatory training you can still accomplish the same thing by scheduling a regular event. To do this fallow the these next steps.

Go to Training Manager . Then scroll down to and click on Schedule Event

The Screen will refresh with the “General Event Page” The Screen will refresh with the “General Event Page”. Enter in an Event Name, Start Date, Start Time, End Date, End Time.

Then scroll down and click on save

The screen will refresh and give you several tabs across the top of the page as well as a Roster Hyper link. Click on the “Roster” Hyperlink.

You will be brought to the “Soldier Search Engine” This is where you can build your roster. You can do this in several ways. You can go by individual name, Rank, Skill Level, MOS, and unit. Identify what criteria you want to search with and then click Search.

From Here you can select the individuals you would like to have on the roster. You can do this by clicking on the check box next to their name, Select Page, Select all, Deselect All. When you are happy with the selection click on Save.

When you click save the screen refreshes and brings you back to the “General Event Page”. From here you can select the task to be trained on. You can do this by clicking on the “Task Tab”.

You can identify the task to be trained on by clicking on the “Green Plus Icon”.

This is the “Task Search” engine This is the “Task Search” engine. From her you can search any task currently published. For example click on the drop down for “Task Type”. Then scroll down to and click on Mandatory. Then Click Search

This is the results of the search This is the results of the search. From here to indicate the Task you want to train on all you have to do is check the box next to the task you would like. Then scroll down and click on Save.

When you click save the screen refreshes and brings you back to the “General Event Page”. From here you need to get back under the “Tasks”. You can do this by clicking on the “Task Tab”.

The Screen will refresh with the Tasks page The Screen will refresh with the Tasks page. This page lists the task that is being trained on. From here you can evaluate the roster for completion of the task. You can do this by clicking on the “view” hyperlink in the roster column.

The screen will then display the roster with a pass and fail option for each name on the roster. Most likely majority of the personnel have successfully conducted the training I suggest you click on “Pass All” Then go threw and mark the ones who failed as such. You can do this by clicking in the bubble next to fail. You can also pass page, and deselect all if you maid a mistake. Once you are happy with the results you can then click on Save out come.


If you go back to Training Manager/Mandatory and look at the task you just evaluated you will see the number of Soldiers Completed change to reflect the evaluation of the roster.

How to Remove APFT’s Users now have the ability to delete APFT’s. This can be accomplished by following the steps in this slide show. This ability has been put in place by high request of the field. The intent is for units and commands to have the ability to maintain proper and accurate individual training records of their Soldiers.

Click on Edit

Deselect the record test and click update.

Then click delete