Collision at Cajamarca Jared Peet
Warm Up In 1532, 168 Spanish soldiers defeated an army of over 40,000 Inca soldiers and captured the Incan emperor, Atahualpa. No Spaniards were killed during the battle. What reasons can you think of that might explain how the Spanish could do this? Post Answers on Back Wall
Essential Question Why were the Spanish so successful at Cajamarca? HW Project: Why were Europeans so successful in conquering Native American civilizations?
Objectives Summarize the events associated with the “Collision at Cajamarca” Outline the major reasons Jared Diamond gives for why the Spanish/Europeans were successful at Cajamarca
Video: Guns, Germs, and Steel By Jared Diamond, 1997 Attempts to explain why Eurasian civilizations have survived and conquered others, while arguing against the idea that Eurasian dominance is due to any form of Eurasian intellectual, moral, or genetic superiority. Diamond argues that the gaps in power and technology between human societies originate in environmental differences.
Context: Collision at Cajamarca November 16, 1532
What happened at Cajamarca? As you watch the video, answer the questions on your worksheet. Disc 1, Ep. 2 – 26:45-28:19, 34:42-42:52
What was Pizarro’s military strategy to defeat the Inca? Surprise attack, kidnap Atahuallpa Why did Atahuallpa disarm the soldiers he brought to meet Pizarro? Power of Inca to scare away “gods” What caused violence to break out? Atahuallpa threw away Bible Why did the Indians (Incas) panic so quickly and so completely? Horses, guns – scary! What was the result of the encounter? Thousands of Inca killed, Atahuallpa captured Why did Pizarro capture Atahuallpa? Ransom him for gold, force Inca to submit Pair/Share then Post Answers
Let’s Revise Our Warm-Up Answers In 1532, 168 Spanish soldiers defeated an army of over 40,000 Inca soldiers and captured the Incan emperor, Atahualpa. No Spaniards were killed during the battle. What reasons can you think of that might explain how the Spanish could do this? Add to answers on back wall
Horses What advantage did horses give the Spanish, according to Diamond? 12:26-14:24
Guns (Harquebus) What advantage did guns give the Spanish, according to Diamond? 18:08-19:38
Steel What advantage did steel weapons give to the Spanish, according to Diamond? 19:38-23:37
Writing What advantage did writing (literacy) give to the Spanish, according to Diamond? Why did the Inca not have writing? 28:19-34:40
Exit Ticket In chronological order, write a one paragraph (4-6 sentence) summary of what happened at the “Collision at Cajamarca.”