I NTRODUCTION Introduction to GreenStar and AutoTrac Costs Savings
W HAT IS A UTO T RAC ? AutoTrac is a hands-free guidance solution that provides you with pass-to-pass accuracy. AutoTrac allows you to take yours hands off the wheel as the machine travels down the most optimum pass in the field, increasing profitability and performance on many farming operations.
G REEN S TAR D ISPLAY A GS3 allows you the ability to access all of John Deere's AMS programs Comes ready with: Field Documentation Harvest Documentation On-Screen Mapping USB Port Video Capability
GS3 A DDITIONAL F EATURES AutoTrac Precision guidance Row Sense Precision guidance for harvesting Pivot Pro Adds circle track to AutoTrac Swath Control Pro Automatic section control iTEC Pro Automatic headlands turning
S TAR F IRE 3000 GPS Receiver Allows the AMS programs to run threw John Deere's StarFire Network. Runs off WAAS as well as GLONASS
A UTO T RAC U NIVERSAL Steers your tractors that are not AutoTrac ready Downfalls: Less smooth movements Bulky Cost more
I S YOUR EQUIPMENT CAPABLE ? AutoTrac Ready R Series Tractors 30 & 40 Series S and 70 Series combines 30 and 40 Sprayers GreenStar Ready 10 & 20 Series Tractors and up
C OSTS GreenStar 3 (2630) Display - $6,000 StarFire 3000 Receiver - $3,200 AutoTrac Activation - $3,000 AutoTrac Universal Kit - $1,900 Harness/Installation (AutoTrac Ready) - $300 Harness/Installation (Non-GS Ready) - $2,300 Total - $12,500 / $16,400
U SING ROW MARKERS FOR SEEDING No till drill- $4,500 No till planter – $7,000
L EVELS OF ACCURACY SF1 9 in accuracy SF2 2.5 inch accuracy Upgrade costs- $4,500 Yearly maintenance $1,050 RTK Sub inch repeatable accuracy Upgrade costs- $6,400 Yearly maintenance- $1,500
E XAMPLE Acres Implement Width Overlap W/O guidance Acres/hou r Hours Saved Spring Tillage Fall Tillage Herb App Seeding App Seeding App
A CTUAL S AVINGS Actual CostActual Savings Labor Hours32015 Labor Costs $ 3, $ Equipment Costs $ 6, $ Total Fuel Used Total Fuel Cost $ 20, $ Seed Cost 1 $ 21, $ Seed Cost 2 $ 7, $ Herb Cost $ 30, $ 1,650.00
Total Payback Total Annual Return $ 4, Total Time Savings15 hours Total Guidance Investment $ 12, Year ROI $