SCHOLARSHIPS 2012 Rocky Mountain Cascade Honors In Action Project
INTRODUCTION The region asked chapters to contact their school’s Foundation and other organizations and ask a series of 15 questions regarding how they award their scholarships. Questions covered topics such as letters, service, submission timing, and what they looked at beyond academics and GPA. We found the answers to the questions to be fairly consistent from organization to organization.
We asked what scholarship committees look for and what traits/qualities they want to see through the application process.
ACADEMICS All As is not as important as having a challenging course load. They look to see how you progressed Have you taken courses appropriate to your goals? They have a lot of applicants that have the same GPA as you – how can you make yourself stand out? FT/PT doesn’t matter as much to them – they look at your overall experience and progress.
BEYOND ACADEMICS Traits that committees are looking for: Intelligence and willing to give back to the community Connection to more than “self” and one’s own goals Time commitment and durations – one activity over a long period is better than many over a short period Leadership skills & leadership roles Engage in and contribute to the world Resilience, self-confidence, and overcoming personal obstacles Passion & commitment
BEYOND ACADEMICS Future plans and ambition Ability to handle multiple demands Building on skills you already possess Variety of experiences Overall, the organizations said that they are looking for a reason to invest in you and your future. What about your application sets you apart, and how would investing in you make a difference beyond your own goals?
We asked about work experience – is it a plus – and whether a letter from an employer would be a good addition to an application.
EMPLOYMENT It can be used to evaluate the overall rigors of the student’s environment. Can provide learning, service, and leadership skills and opportunities. Can show dedication to completion and consistency Shows commitment and dedication. Include a letter from an employer if it is applicable especially if it shows strengths in dedication, leadership, time commitments, etc.
We asked about letters of recommendation and what should be included.
LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION For the Jack Kent Cooke Transfer Scholarship, they prefer letters from professors. Make sure the person writing the letter knows you well and can talk about your skills & experiences. Consider giving the person writing your letter a “cheat sheet” about you. Unless there is a limit on the number of letters, the more the merrier. Include letters from non-profits, your church, etc. if it strongly shows traits like leadership, dedication, passion, and a time commitment.
We asked about service to the community and its importance.
SERVICE Shows you have a desire to engage in and contribute to the world. Shows a commitment to something beyond yourself and your goals. A big element of PTK is giving back, so this plays heavily in PTK scholarships. Service is an excellent way to gain skills in leadership. It is best to commit to one activity/organization over the long-run rather than multiple activities over a short period of time.
We asked about the application, the essay, and the submission process.
THE APPLICATION As long as you are in by the deadline, it typically does not matter if you submit it early or at the deadline. Starting early is the key to ensure you have all your information and letters together and have your materials proof read. Committees can tell if you spent time in preparation or threw together everything last minute. Grammar and spelling matter! Have someone other than you proof read your application and materials. Be complete.
THE APPLICATION Be short and to the point – additional details can go in your essay(s) and personal statement. The application shows you can organize information and make it concise. Make up for shortfalls and weaknesses in your application – such as a lower GPA – with details in your essay. Review, review, review! Make sure you answered everything, aren’t missing any sections, etc.
THE ESSAY Be specific. They want the details about what you did, why you did it, how you grew from the experience, etc. Highlight the positive. Your life doesn’t have to be perfect, but the positive can overcome the negative. Everyone has weaknesses. You can show how you learned, what you gained, etc. from a mistake or weakness. Expand and fill in the story of you. Did you have to overcome something to get to where you are? What drives you to get your degree? What are you planning to do with your degree and with your life?
Why are YOU the best candidate? Why should they invest in you?