9th grade Caught’Yas
Caught Ya #1 once upon a time in a school not so very disparate from yours a young man named charlie excess led a very dull one sided life
Caught Ya #1 Once upon a time, in a school not so very disparate from yours, a young man named Charlie Excess led a very dull, one-sided life.
Caught Ya #2 all day he attended horribly hard high school and all evening his proboscis was buried in his books 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #2 All day he attended Horribly Hard High School, and all evening he buried his proboscis was buried in his books. Always capitalize place names When a coordinating conjunction is used with two independent clauses, separate them with a comma.
Caught Ya #2 - NOTES Active vs. Passive Voice Active Voice: the subject is doing the action. e.g. Tommy threw the ball. Passive Voice: the subject receives the action e.g. The ball is thrown by Tommy. ***It is best to use the active voice in your writing because it is more concise and more easily understood. Always capitalize place names When a coordinating conjunction is used with two independent clauses, separate them with a comma.
Caught Ya #3 and charlie was a straight A student who did naught but attend class study and sleep 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #3 Charlie was a straight-“A” student who did naught but attend class, study, and sleep. Never begin a sentence with a coordinating conjunction (such as “and”) if you can help it Separate items in a list with commas. When two or more words are used as one adjective, connect those words with hyphens.
Caught Ya #4 he never attended partys did not participate in any sports and doesn’t know any girls except suzie meretricious and he isn’t even sure what she looks like since her nose is always buried in a textbook such as The joys of boring english. 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #4 He never attended parties, did not participate in any sports, and did not know any girls except Suzie Meretricious. He was not even sure what she looked like, since her nose was always buried in a textbook such as The Joys of Boring English. Keep verb tenses consistent. Careful of run-on sentences. Always use title case capitalization for names of books Always underline or italicize names of books
Caught Ya #4 - Notes Be sure to use consistent verb tense (If a story begins in the past tense, be sure that all verbs are in the past tense!) Underline or italicize book titles Separate run-on sentences Keep verb tenses consistent. Careful of run-on sentences. Always use title case capitalization for names of books Always underline or italicize names of books
Caught Ya #5 while charlies parents were pleased with his grades they still found a plethora of picky things to nag and torture their only son with 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #5 While Charlie’s parents were pleased with his grades, they still found a plethora of picky things with which to nag and torture their only son. 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #5 -- NOTES Never end a sentence with a preposition. some common prepositions: with, of, on, in, at, for, about Example: “Who are you walking with?” becomes “With whom are you walking.” “That’s my chair you’re sitting in!” “You’re sitting in my chair.” or “That’s my chair in which you sit.” 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #6 wow even though charlie earned all A’s his parents pondered why he didn’t get all A+’s being good wasn’t good enough 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #6 Wow! Even though Charlie earned all “A’s,” his parents pondered why he didn’t get all “A+’s.” Being good was not good enough. 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #6 - Notes 1. Avoid the use of contractions EXCEPT in dialogue. 2. Punctuation goes on the inside of the quotation marks.
Caught Ya #7 Further bones of contention between charlie and his carping parents was charlies room and charlies bedtime 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #7 Further bones of contention between Charlie and his carping parents were Charlie’s room and Charlie’s bedtime. 5 minutes End
End Caught Ya #7 - Notes Make sure your subject matches your verb! 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #8 Charlie made his bed daily put his squalid clothing in the hamper and throws all trash in the appropriate place but his parents still nagged alot 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #8 Charlie made his bed daily, put his squalid clothing in the hamper, and threw all trash in the appropriate place, but his parents still nagged a lot . 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #8 - Notes Make sure to use consistent verb tense.
Caught Ya #9 And his mom the neat freak fretted because the bedspread wasn’t tucked appropriately around the pillow she didn’t except any excuses 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #9 His mom, the neat freak, fretted because the bedspread was not tucked appropriately around the pillow; she did not accept any excuses. 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #9 - Notes Never begin a sentence with “and” (and other conjunctions).
Caught Ya #10 his desk was never neat enough too please his mom horror of horrors their were school books piled primly on top 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #10 His desk was never neat enough to please his mom. Horror of horrors, there were school books piled primly on top! 5 minutes End
Caught Ya #10 - Notes There vs. their vs. they’re There refers to place Their belonging to a person or people They’re they are