is am are were was been being be When possible, revise to remove “be” verbs. Sometimes this requires you to rearrange your sentence. As a result, your sentence often becomes more active and detailed.
is am are were was been being be Remember that NOUNS and VERBS make writing powerful. Focus on improving NOUNS and VERBS
Combine sentences to eliminate the be verb. Ex. The bride was not happy. She threw down the ring and stomped out of the church. The unhappy bride threw down the ring and stomped out of the church.
Eliminate the entire sentence if it does not change the meaning. This happens a lot with sentences starting with “There are…” You can often remove this sentence entirely. Leave the sentence alone if changing it makes the new meaning more complicated or different from intention. Don’t try to change ALL “be” verbs but be very aware of them and change what you can.
is am are were was been being be Ex. There are many reasons for students to be in a sport. One of the best reasons is to learn teamwork which is an important skill in life. Where are the be verbs in this passage?
is am are were was been being be
is am are were was been being be Rewrite these lines to keep the same meaning but remove at least three of the “be” verbs.
is am are were was been being be Learning an important life skill like teamwork is one of the best reasons why students should join a sport.
BE aware of be verbs when you write, but try to eliminate them when you revise.