Anorexia is a eating disorder that most teens get. It doesn’t matter what age you are you could still get it. Both females and males deal with that problem. They get a bad image of their body thinking that they are over wait when they are not.
Anorexia affects our health because we stop getting all the vitamins and nutrients we usually need for our body. When people go threw anorexia they stop eating for a long period of time they only eat for example a apple a day. That could also start leading to anemia. Getting then worse as they start loosing more wieght.
There is no pill or medicine you could take to cure anorexia. The only way you can recover from this problem is by eating and going to a nutritionist and to therapy. You just need to go and beat anorexia. Most people do recover and some of them affurtanley don’t make it.
Anorexia is a problem in our community because a lot of girls and boys start thinking that they are gaining weight and get bad images of there body by looking at brands and commercials telling them they are not beautiful or perfect if there are over weight or thick. They then stop eating and start dieting till they are like size 0 or below. We need to stop that and start making people feel great and happy about there body image. It doesn’t matter the size you are, all that matters is the size of your heart.
Yes, most teens start going threw anorexia because they are getting bullied at school by their class mates. They then start loosing weight and they also go threw depression. Sadly enough it could also lead to something worse witch is death. We must stop this by telling a teacher or someone you trust when you see people bullying kids. Come on and help us stop bullying and anorexia. Together we can make a change in life.