Tracking for high multiplicity event (E05-115) & E01-011 GEANT4 simulation 14/Dec/2011 School of science, Tohoku University Toshiyuki Gogami ( 後神 利志 )


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Presentation transcript:

Tracking for high multiplicity event (E05-115) & E GEANT4 simulation 14/Dec/2011 School of science, Tohoku University Toshiyuki Gogami ( 後神 利志 ) 8/May/2009, JLab Hall-C HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami1

Contents Tracking for high multiplicity event E GEANT4 simulation HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami2

Tracking for high multiplicity event (JLab E05-115) Splitter Magnet HKS HES HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami3

e, e + background in GEANT simulation Vacuum chamber (sus304) NMR port (sus304) KDC1KDC2 e -, e + Generated particle : e + Distribution : spherical uniform Momentum : 860 – 1000 [MeV/c] Angle : 0 – 2 [mrad] 1000 events 4 e+e+ HKS HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami

Rates of the KDC Layers CH 2, KDC1 KDC2 ~3 MHz ~6 MHz HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami5

Rates of the KDC Layers H 2 O, KDC1 KDC2 ~10 MHz ~20 MHz HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami6

Rates of the KDC Layers 52 Cr, KDC1 KDC2 ~11 MHz ~22 MHz HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami7

Rates of the KDC wires CH 2, Wire Number Rate [kHz] KDC1-u KDC1-u’KDC1-xKDC1-x’KDC1-vKDC1-v’ KDC2-u KDC2-u’KDC2-xKDC2-x’KDC2-vKDC2-v’ < 150 kHz < 120 kHz < 70 kHz < 60 kHz HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami8

Rates of the KDC wires H 2 O, Wire Number Rate [kHz] KDC1-u KDC1-u’KDC1-xKDC1-x’KDC1-vKDC1-v’ KDC2-u KDC2-u’KDC2-xKDC2-x’KDC2-vKDC2-v’ < 450 kHz < 270 kHz < 250 kHz < 200 kHz HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami9

Rates of the KDC wires 52 Cr, Wire Number Rate [kHz] KDC1-u KDC1-u’KDC1-xKDC1-x’KDC1-vKDC1-v’ KDC2-u KDC2-u’KDC2-xKDC2-x’KDC2-vKDC2-v’ < 510 kHz < 350 kHz < 290 kHz < 230 kHz HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami10

Rates of the HKS TOF detectors HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami11

Multiplicity of typical layer of chamber HES HKS ~1.13 ~1.28 ~2.24 ~4.94 HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami12

Discrepancy of Number of Λ (Before new tracking code adoption) Lost events that we are interested in in tracking procedure. HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami13 Black : hit wires Blue : selected wires Red : track Black : hit wires Blue : selected wires Red : track REAL DATA ΛΛ Σ0Σ0 Σ0Σ0 CH 2 Target H 2 O Target 12 C quasi-free Acc. b.g. 16 O quasi-free Acc. b.g. Very preliminary

New tracking code Event display of new tracking code HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami14

Results of Introduction of new Tracking Code Increased ! CH 2 52 Cr H2OH2O HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami15

Events which are discarded 52 Cr, KDC1 KDC2 HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami16

Events which are discarded 52 Cr, KDC1 KDC2 Where and why are these events discarded ? Are these events threw away by correct cut condition? Where and why are these events discarded ? Are these events threw away by correct cut condition? HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami17

Events which are discarded 52 Cr, KDC1 KDC2 Where and why are these events discarded ? Are these events threw away by correct cut condition? Where and why are these events discarded ? Are these events threw away by correct cut condition? h_pattern_recognition.f ~10% up HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami18

x-t calibration for 52 Cr Target Residuals better – KDC1 ; 400 [μm]  300 [μm] Number up – ~10% increased at χ 2 <20 – (~5% increased without χ 2 cut) χ 2 cut condition HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami19

Tracking for high multiplicity event Summary & Outlook HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami20

E GEANT4 Simulation HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami21 HKS ENGE Splitter

GEANT4 simulation (ENGE01) Geometrical input  Nagao ENGE (Enge) Directory structure – ENGE01, GNUMakefile includes – Headers (*.hh) src – Source files (*.cc) run – input » Input file (*.in) – macro » Macro file (*.mac) – map » Field map (*.map) – Images analysis – root » Output ROOT files (*.root) Version control by svn – repository TOSCA Magnetic field HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami22

Coordinate definitions z x y origin x y ENGE01 (Enge) z origin (1239.2, , 0.0) Field map (TOSCA) HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami23

Visualization HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami24 photon e- ENGE EHODO EDC Generation Particle : electron Distribution : Spherical uniform Momentum : 0.3±01 GeV/c Theta : 0 – 70 mrad Phi : 4π SPL e-

E GEANT4 Simulation Summary & Outlook Summary – Coding is in progress Outlook – Precise Geometrical setup Need latest CAD ( 3D one is better ) – Check the field map Relative coordinate with respect to GEANT Scaling factor – Sieve slit study HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami25

END HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami26

HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami27

Abs(WC – TC) |Wire center – Track coordinate| s 0 Wire center Track coordinate Black : |WC-TC| Magenta : Profile of |WC-TC| Green : x-t calc. Track Drift distance Fitting Function HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami28

x-t calibration for H 2 O Target Residual better Number up – 10% increased at χ 2 <20 HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami29

Sieve Slit data of HKS (GEANT) /data/1b/fujii/ – Sieve (ASCII file)  /src/guana.f /home/gogami/E01-011/ e01011repaly/root/SS/ Makefile root/ Conversion HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami30

HKS SS pattern GEANT REAL HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami31

Comparison of HKS SS pattern Black – REAL Magenta – SIM HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami32

Sieve slit pattern (F2S) HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami33

Residuals & x-t correlation X-t function is worse ? CH 2 target 52 Cr target HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami34

Data Summary JLab E (2009/June – 2009/Nov) HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami35

Singles rate summary Up to ~30 [MHz] Up to ~15 [MHz] HES HKS HKS trigger ~ 10[kHz] HES trigger ~ a few[MHz] HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami36

B.G. mix rate (real data) a b * hks ntulpe HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami37

e + simulation SIMULATION To see 1.Number of event 2.Angle & momentum of e + generated in target To see 1.Number of event 2.Angle & momentum of e + generated in target HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami38

Target thickness dependence (Simulation) H2OH2O 52 Cr 9 Be 12 C CH 2 10 B 7 Li Consistent with B.G. mix rate ! SIMULATION HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami39

Tracking in HKS (pattern recognition) Make combination of hit wire belong to one space point for tracking pre tracking 1.Test point 2.Space point x y x y HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami40