Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland CLINICAL SKILLS Managed Educational Network Excellent skills for excellent care Multidisciplinary Simulation-based Adhoc Team Training
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Aim To develop a novel training intervention to: 1.Improve leadership and teamworking within an adhoc multidisciplinary team 2.Improve the initial assessment/resuscitation of the acutely unwell patient
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Methods 1 60 min session 6 participants (mix of nursing/foundation/medical/anaesthetic) Integrated into working day Short interactive presentation Round table practice of communication skills Simulated scenario & debrief
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Methods 2 Results – Pre & post course questionnaire including modified ORMAQ questions pertaining to Confidence Assertion, Information Sharing, Teamwork, Leadership – Clinical time points measured during standardised scenario – Situation awareness tool at close of scenario
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland What Does our Team Need? All Members need to: – Know what the common goal is – Know what steps have been taken – Know what the next steps are We want a proactive team Shared Mental Models
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland XXXX 1 Leader ?nurse ?FY1 ?ANP ?SHO ?Med Reg ?Anaes Reg We all need some leadership skills x ?you
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland SBAR in Team Assembly Situation – This lady was found collapsed in the bathroom, she was surrounded by vomit Background (if we know it) – I don’t know any further history at the moment Assessment so far – She is maintaining her airway and has crackles in her right chest Recommendation (delegation) – Can you get iv access
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Individual Skills 1.Think VOLUME! 2.Use names when delegating tasks: – ‘can someone get iv access’ 3.Don’t sugarcoat requests: – ‘I was wondering if you would mind…?’ – ‘would it be possible for you to…?’ 4.Develop a few phrases to get you out of sticking points – ‘Can I clarify…..?’ (goals, tasks required, plan) John Assertiveness Toolkit
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Team skills 1.Introductions – name, grade, indication of competencies 2.Update arriving team members – short & snappy SBAR! 3.Discuss progress with the whole team – ABCDE, working diagnosis, management plan
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Leadership Skills Speaking up assertively goes a long way Sharing the goal/tasks/plan is the major role Leader does not need to have all the answers – but needs to be able to draw them from the team Leadership can appear daunting…
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland The story so far… 1 st Pilot session completed Further 6 refining sessions before August Roll out with new intake medical staff in August Very open & unintimidating Theory prior to this session was useful Really good to work with the other people who answer the 2222