University of Washington CUMREC 2003 A Self Sustaining IS Consulting Unit - Client Services Project Consulting University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Copyright University of Washington, Marcia Tufarolo This work is the intellectual property of the Author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 University of Washington State Research University 3 Major Campuses 40,000 Students 24,000 Faculty & Staff
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Marcia Tufarolo - Technology Manager Joe Frost - System Engineer Computing & Communications Client Services Project Consulting
University of Washington CUMREC 2003
Client Services Project Consulting (CSPC) Consulting group for UW Self-sustaining operation CSPC hired for work
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Why CSPC was formed Supplement centrally funded projects Support self-sustaining areas Address new needs
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Types of Consulting Database applications –Specifications –Design –Implementation
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Types of Consulting Web-page design & implementation Web-site usability testing RFP preparation Software acquisition
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Types of Consulting System security reviews System administration Network/server assistance
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 CSPC Staffing Application engineers Programmers/contractors Web specialists
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 CSPC Staffing Security consultants Unix/Win2K consultants Student staff
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Central Infrastructure Database admins Central system admins Network/system engineers AIT/SIT review boards
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Application Integration Team Project start-up Review functionality & design Discuss integration plans
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Security Infrastructure Team Review project Identify security issues Review implementation design
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Sample Projects Database –UW Web Credit Card B2C – (ISP) –UW Computer Training –UW Office Directory
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Sample Projects Web-site Design/Usability –Airlift NorthwestAirlift Northwest –UW Faculty Club –Community Relations
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Sample Projects RFP/Software Acquisition –Real Estate Office –Web Credit Card Processing Vendor
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Sample Projects Security/Sys Admin/Servers –EH&S –Technology Transfer –Center Health Ed & Research
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 How we get work CSPC web-site altCSPC web-site alt inquiries Word of mouth Limited marketing
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 CSPC Project Approach Phone or contact Standard response to inquirer –About CSPC –Rates
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 $$$...……. no response
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 CSPC Project Approach
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Project Elements User Meeting: Goal - Get enough information to prepare a proposal. –Define project –Time and cost estimates
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Project Elements Proposal: –Describe the project –Define the work elements –Estimate time & costs –Identify notes & assumptions
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Project Proposal Notes and Assumptions –Computing environment –Client roles in project –On-going client roles –On-going costs –Other
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Sample Project Proposal
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Bidding Project Work It’s an art… It takes experience We always are learning
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Bidding Project Work
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Bidding Project Work
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Project Elements Work Plan & Schedule: –Visual of work elements & timeline
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Calendar Elements Functional spec & prototype System dev & implementation Application pilot Client roles in project
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Calendar & Schedule
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 CSPC Calendar
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Project Elements Project Work : –Design Specifications & Prototype –Implementation Develop/Test/Deploy
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Project Elements Project Work : –Documentation System level documentation Web-site Vacation docs Departmental spec – API Test plans
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Project Elements On-going Support –Application maintenance –Enhancements
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 CSPC Project Approach User Meeting Proposal Work Calendar/Schedule Project Work Wrap-up/On-going Support
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Cost Recovery Project Costs –Consultant –Project management On-going Costs –Application support –Servers, DBA, System/Network Engineers
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Cost Recovery Hourly Rate: –Project work, application support, project management
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure Hourly Rate –Based on direct costs –Annual work hours
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure Direct Costs –Salary & benefits –Operating expenses
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure Salary and Benefits = salary * percentage
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure Operating Expenses –Telephones –Equipment –Supplies –Other Services –Training –Travel
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure Annual Work Hours –Work days per year –Ave non-billable days –Billing efficiency –Billable hours per year
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure Work Days per Year 52 weeks * 5 days per week = 260 days per year
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure Average Non-billable Days »Holidays »Vacation »Sick Leave »Administrative Time
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure Billable Days per Year = Days Paid Per Year – Non-billable Days
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure Billing Efficiency = Billable days/Work days
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure Billable Hours Per Year = 2080 * billing efficiency
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Billable Hours Per Year Two Structures: –Consultants –Management staff
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure – Salary & Benefits
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure – Operating Expenses
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure – Billing Capacity
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure – Hourly Rate
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure Hourly Rate –Estimated costs/annual billing hours –Reality tweaking
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Rate Structure Hourly Rate - Lower than market rate
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Cost Recovery Fixed Monthly Fee: –Servers, DBA, System/Network Engineers
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Re-charge Methods Four Components –Time tracking –CSPC project database –Direct recharge to UW budgets –Monthly billing & status report
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Re-charge Methods Time Tracking –Weekly time sheets –Time worked by project –Non-billable time –Creative methods to keep hours
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Time Sheets
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Re-charge Methods CSPC Project Database –Staff –Budgets –Contacts –Project –Hours
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 CSPC Project Database
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 CSPC Reporting CSPC Accounting Report Billable Hours Project Hours Status Report Data Entry Verification Project List Others
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 CSPC Accounting Report
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Recharge to UW Budgets Data extract from CSPC db File to FASTRANS Import into UW FIN system Charge/credit to budgets
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Billing/Status Report Notification to area of charge Letter or with details –Charges to budget –Work accomplishments –Upcoming work plans
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Sample Status Report
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 The CSPC Team Different from funded work Need clear priorities Multiple projects Multiple roles Team interviews for new staff “T-E-A-M”
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Client Services Project Consulting “Running a small business” Different than funded areas Manager role(s) Projects - Every year is different Work with many UW areas
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Challenges Changing technology Staff cross training Leverage business development Limited funds
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Benefits UW familiarity –Infrastructure & Institute C&C contacts Continuity Internal pricing
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Client Services Project Consulting
University of Washington CUMREC 2003 Project Terminology T.O. Matelich Preliminary tests were inconclusive : The darn thing blew up when we threw the switch All New : Code not interchangeable with previous design Low Maintenance : Impossible to fix if broken Years of Development : It finally worked