Week 1
MONDAY Circle the best tool for measuring. Explain your thinking. ___________________________________ 1. ruler yardstick 2. ruler yardstick
TUESDAY Write the time below each clock. ____:____
WEDNESDAY How big is each ribbon? Estimate first. Then measure. 1. Estimate: ______ inches Actual: ______ inches 2. Estimate: ______ inches Actual: ______ inches 3. Estimate: ______ inches Actual: ______ inches 4. Estimate: ______ inches Actual: ______ inches
THURSDAY Jamie used centimeter blocks to measure leaves. 1.How long is leaf A? _________________ 2.How long is leaf B? _________________ 3. How much longer is leaf A than leaf B? __________
FRIDAY Anya found two lizards in her backyard. The first lizard was 22 inches long. The other lizard was only 13 inches long. How much longer was the first lizard? Write an equation and then solve the problem. Equation: __________________ Answer: ______________ Explain: __________________________________________
Week 2
MONDAY Use a ruler to compare the lengths of the crayon and the marker. How long is the crayon in centimeters? __________ centimeters How long is the marker in centimeters? __________ centimeters Which is longer? ___________________ How much longer is it? _____________
TUESDAY Circle the better tool for measuring the height of a can. ruler measuring tape Circle the better tool for measuring the length around a can. ruler measuring tape Did you choose the same tool each time? Why or why not? ______________________________________________________
WEDNESDAY Write a number sentence and solve. Nikki is 59 inches tall. Her little brother is 38 inches tall. How much taller is Nikki? __________________________________________________ Nikki is ___________ taller than her brother.
THURSDAY How long is each critter? Estimate first. Then measure in inches using a ruler. Estimate: ____ inches Estimate: ____ inches Estimate: ____inches Actual: _____ inches Actual: _____ inches Actual: _____ inches
FRIDAY Jannie measures the height of a chair in both feet and inches. She found that the chair was 4 feet tall. She also found that it was 48 inches tall. Explain why you have two different measurements for the same chair. ___________________________________ __________________________________________________
Week 3
MONDAY Compare Worm A and Worm B. A. B. How long is Worm A? ____ How long is Worm B? ____ Which is longer? ____________________________________ How much longer? __________________________________ How do you know? _________________________________
TUESDAY Draw the hands on the clock to show the time. 8 : 0 53 : 5 02 : : 4 5
WEDNESDAY Use your ruler to measure how wide your desk is in feet. Then use a measuring tape to measure again in centimeters. Did you get the same measurements? Why or why not? ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________
THURSDAY Without using a ruler draw a line that you think is 6 inches long. Measure your line’s length to see how close your estimate was. My line’s actual length is ______ inches. How close was the length of your line to 6 inches? ________________
FRIDAY Buddy threw the ball 50 feet. Then it bounced 20 feet more. How far did it go? Use the number line to solve the problem. What number did you land on? _____ Buddy threw the ball _____ feet. How did the number line help your solve the problem? __________________________________________________________
Week 4
MONDAY Choose the best unit of measurement. Write inches or feet. A tree in the park is 20 ________ tall. My teddy bear is 15 ________ tall.
TUESDAY Measure and compare the mice’s tails. Use a centimeter ruler. A.________ centimeters B. ________ centimeters Mouse ____ has the longer tail. By how much? ____ A B
WEDNESDAY How much money is shown? ______ How much money is shown? ______
THURSDAY Gina and her family have lots of pets. The graph shows some of the pets they own. CAT DOG FISH BIRD 1. How many cats does Gina’s family have? _____ 2. Do they have more birds or dogs? _____ 3. How many more birds do they have than fish? _____ 4. How many cats, birds, and fish does the family have in total? _____
FRIDAY Kenneth has a paper strip that is 12 centimeters long. He tapes it to a strip that is 24 centimeters long. How long is the strip now? Answer: ______________ Explain: _________________________ ________________________________