The Rights of Allah and The Rights of the Creation
The Rights of Allah Mu’adh bin Jabal said: “While I was riding upon a donkey with the Prophet, he said to me; ‘O Mu’adh! Do you now what Allah’s right is upon His worshippers, and what the worshipper’s right upon Allah is?’ I replied, ‘Allah and His messenger know better.’ He said, ’Allah’s right upon His worshipper is that they worship Him without Associating anything with Him. The worshipper’s right upon Allah is that He does not punish anyone who does not associate anything with Him.’ I said, ‘Shall I tell this to the people?’ He said, ‘Do not inform them since they may depend on it.” Bukhari and Muslim recorded it.
Al ibaadah A collective term for everything that Allah loves and is please with, from the sayings and actions, inwardly and outwardly. A collective term for everything that Allah loves and is please with, from the sayings and actions, inwardly and outwardly. Ibaadah of belief Ibaadah of the heart Ibaadah of speech Ibaadah of the the body Ibaadah of Wealth Ibaadah of Abandonment
What are the conditions for any deed to be accepted? Sincerity Sincerity According to the guidance of the Prophet According to the guidance of the Prophet
The Categories of Shirk Shirk in Ruboobeeyah (Lordship) Shirk in Ruboobeeyah (Lordship) Shirk in the Asmaa was Siffaat (Names and Attributes) Shirk in the Asmaa was Siffaat (Names and Attributes) Shirk in Ulooheeyah (worship) Shirk in Ulooheeyah (worship)
Categories of Shirk…. Major Shirk: It is the shirk of belief that takes one out of the religion Major Shirk: It is the shirk of belief that takes one out of the religion Minor Shirk: ar-riyaa Minor Shirk: ar-riyaa Hidden Shirk Hidden Shirk Shirk of Belief Shirk of Belief Shirk of Action Shirk of Action Shirk of Speech Shirk of Speech Shirk of Legislation Shirk of Legislation
Categories of Shirk Shirk of Love Shirk of Love Shirk of fear and dread Shirk of fear and dread Shirk in Intent and Desire Shirk in Intent and Desire Shirk of Obedience Shirk of Obedience
Shirk of love/fear …but if it distracts a person from obedience to Allah and he leaves some of the obligatory things the it becomes the love of disobedience. And if it overtakes his life and his heart he loves/fears them as he should love Allah or greater, then that is shirk of love/fear