Mentor Resource Packet Leon School Volunteer Program
Tell Me All About Yourself What kind of books do you enjoy the most? What are some things you know a lot about? What are some things you would like to know more about? What interesting places have you visited? Where are some interesting places you would like to visit? If you have any collections, what are they? What do you like to do in your free time? If you could be a famous person for a day, who would you be? What have you enjoyed the most about school in the past? If you take lessons of any kind, what are they? If you have pets, tell me about them. In what subjects in school do you do well? What do you think you might need extra help with in school? What is your favorite: Food, Place, Sport, Car, Indoor activity Who is your favorite: Celebrity, Relative, Friend Complete these sentences: Happiness is- If only- Friendliness is- To care is-
Weekly Reaction Sheet What was the high point of the week? Whom did you get to know better this week? What was the major you learned about yourself this week? Did you institute any major changes in your life this week? How could this week have been better? What did you procrastinate about this week? Identify three decisions or choices you made this week. What were the results of those choices? Did you make any plans this week for some future event? What unfinished personal business do you have left from this last week? Open comment:
What If … Ask students to complete each sentence as quickly as possible. After completing ten or so, so back and ask them to elaborate on certain ones. Use this as a basis for conversation with them. 1.If I had a week’s vacation, I would … 2.On Sundays I wish my family would … 3.If I had $10, I would … 4.I think my parents should … 5.The thing that scares me the most is … 6.People I like always … 7.I cry when … 8.I’m afraid to … 9.I’m happy when … 10.I’m proud that I… 11.When I grow up, I want to be … 12.The funniest thing I ever saw was… 13.The most important person in a family is … 14.I like people who … 15.Twenty years from now, I would like to … 16.I am happiest when … 17.If I saw someone shoplifting, I would … 18.If I saw someone littering, I would … 19.When I become a father or mother, I … 20.I am best at … 21.I get angry when … 22.In school I do best when … 23.My friends think I am … 24.I am loneliest when … 25.I feel most loved when … Source: Values Clarification, Simon, Howe, and Kirschenbaum. Hart Publishing Co., Inc., N.Y. 1972
Values That Are Important To Me Using a 10 point scale, rate the following items according to how high a priority they are in your life. Give one point to items which are not very important and up to ten points to those which are most important. You may assign the same rating to more than one item. Doing my best in school Being popular Friendships Respecting other individuals Self-respect Graduating from high school Honesty in myself and others Being independent Being responsible for my actions Religion Getting along with my parents Having money Staying drug-free Helping others Having a healthy body Going to college Being successful Which are your highest priorities?_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Source: Gray, Mattie Evans, Images, Sacramento: California State Department of Education, 1988
Getting Your Grades Together Checklist for your student Ways to Prepare for a Test: Have a regular time to study Have a special Place to study Write down assignments Ask questions Outline and summarize your work Ask you teacher for help, if needed Concentrate on what you don’t know Do homework daily so work doesn’t pile up Make a test schedule Review briefly before a test Test Taking Tips: Know when tests are scheduled Get a good night’s rest beforehand Be on time and well equipped for the test Look over the entire test Make sure you know how much time is given Know how much questions count Follow directions Notice key words in directions (for example: less, sometimes, best, all, every, most, few, none, better, worst, seldom, rarely, never) Do the easiest first; put a check beside those you can’t answer and need to come back to Return to questions that have been checked Review all questions Don’t change answers without a good reason Save Tests for semester reviews
Goal Setting Circle the letter next to the response that best explains how you think you approach the school day 1.I arrive on time: Some of the time Most of the time Always 2.I have my homework completed: Some of the time Most of the time Always 3.My homework is usually: Carelessly done OK My very best 4.I obey school rules: Only when I have to Grudgingly Cheerfully 5.I contribute ideas and suggestion for classroom projects: Never Seldom Often 6.I think my classmates find me to be: Disagreeable Agreeable Cheerfully cooperative 7.I think my teacher finds me to be: Disruptive No problem Helpful 8.When I think about school, I: Dread it Feel it’s OK Look forward to it
Student:Teacher: Date of Plan:Date of Review: My Goals Plan 1.Work Habits My goal is I will do these activities to reach my goal: I will know I made my goal when 2.Academic Goals My goal is I will do these activities to reach my goal: I will know I made my goal when 3.Personal Goals My goal is I will do these activities to reach my goal: I will know I made my goal when
Student:Teacher: Date of Plan:Date of Review: My Goals Plan 4.Behavior Goals My goal is I will do these activities to reach my goal: I will know I made my goal when 5.Attendance Goals My goal is I will do these activities to reach my goal: I will know I made my goal when
My Goals Mentor: In setting short-term goals with your student, use this form to help the student write a goal that you hope to accomplish together. Remember each step, no matter how small, is a measure of success. Please return the completed form to the coordinating person. Student: Mentor: Date: This grading period I would like to do better in To accomplish this goal, I will My mentor will help me by Other goals