Approaching the ‘end’ but continuing to flourish Planning to finish well How can faith in Christ transform the final days? Journeying well from here to eternity
Planning to Finish Well—(1) Some tips to see later life as a time of opportunity and opening up rather than a time of declining health and mobility Planning ahead—keeping positive— standing on God’s promises—having a close relationship with Jesus—thinking of others—keeping active and healthy— social network—serving the Lord with gladness. (Any others?-discuss in pairs)
Planning to Finish Well—(2) “Maintain a positive attitude so that we don’t become ‘grumpy’ old people”-(Anne Jeater and Kate Weekes) “I read the Bible and attend a weekly Bible study group learning about what the Bible says about preparing for hard times, such as St Paul who learnt to be happy in all circumstances and the need to praise God during trouble”—(Ann Wills)
How can Faith in Christ transform the final days?—(1) By living in OMEGA LAND-Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end and He is in both. (Denise Critchell) ’I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city’ (Revelation 22 verses 13 and 14)
How can Faith in Christ transform the final days?—(2) By having an ESCHATOLOGICAL VISION, where this age meets the Age to Come, where this world meets the KINGDOM OF GOD By living the RESURRECTION LIFE instead of following the world’s fear of old age and death
How can Faith in Christ transform the final days?—(3) “As a Christian comes towards the end of their life surely it’s their faith that sustains them. They know they will soon be entering into the eternal presence of their Lord and indeed often get to the stage when it’s what they want more than anything and just long for it to happen. It is comforting too for their friends and family to know their loved one is going to a place far better”-(Anne and Kate)
How can Faith in Christ transform the final days?—(4) From ‘Faith in the Third Age’ by Dr Michael Lowis (Christian Council on Ageing) The more one thinks about death the more one feels anxious about it The higher the level of religious and/or spiritual beliefs, then the lower the anxiety about death and the afterlife-( a statistically significant result) Man of 72 said, “I fear the process of dying, but not being dead.”
How can Faith in Christ transform the final days?—(5) As the Gospel song says; ‘This world is not our home, we’re just a passing through, our treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue, the angels beckon me to Heaven’s golden shore and I ain’t gonna stay in this world anymore.’ (sent by Liz Stacey)—Does anyone know who wrote this Gospel song?
Journeying well from here to eternity-(1) Tante Jans a powerful evangelist, had such a dread of dying. Corrie ten Boom’s father asked her just before she died, “are you ready to make the great journey?” Tante Jan’s face lit up. “Jesus said, “I give my sheep everlasting life.” “That’s good” Tante said, “I can’t do anything more, I’m safe in the Hands of the Good Shepherd who gave His life for us. He prepared a mansion in the House of the Father for me.”
Journeying well from here to eternity-(2) Preparing ourselves for the journey Leaving things in order for our loved ones Preparing our funeral service of celebration- (‘When I die’ compiled by the late Rodney Searle) Being at peace with everyone Making amends if needed Forgiving and being forgiven Expecting Jesus to come for you (Compiled by Liz Stacey)
Journeying well from here to eternity-(3) Isaiah chapter 43 verses 1b to 4 Revelation chapter 21 verses 1 to 7 1 Corinthians 15 verses 12 to 14, 17 and 19 to 20