Risk = Hazard X Exposure x PERCEPTION
RISK PERCEPTION “By the animal instinct that is awakened in us we are led and protected. It is not conscious; it is far quicker, much more sure, less fallible, than consciousness.” “By the animal instinct that is awakened in us we are led and protected. It is not conscious; it is far quicker, much more sure, less fallible, than consciousness.” Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front
1. TRUST u The more we trust, the less afraid we will be. u The less we trust, the more afraid we will be.
1. TRUST (More Afraid) u Anything connected with industry u Communications from politicians u A decision making process that’s closed (Less Afraid) u Anything connected with consumer groups u Communications from neutral experts (doctors, academics) u A decision making process that’s open
1. TRUST u In the communicator u In the agency that’s supposed to protect you u In the organization creating the risk u In the process
2. BENEFIT v. HARM u Vaccinations u Using a cell phone while you drive u Medical X rays, prescription drugs u That “nice healthy” tan
3. CONTROL (More Afraid) u Flying u Riding as a passenger in the front seat of a motor vehicle u A government process in which you can NOT participate (Less Afraid) u Riding a bike u Driving a motor vehicle u A government process in which you CAN participate
4. CHOICE (More Afraid) u A drug with a side effect NOT reported by the company company u A nuclear waste repository a company proposes to build in your town your town (Less Afraid) u A drug with a side effect that IS reported by the company company u INVITING the nuclear waste repository to locate in your town your town
5. NATURAL V. HUMAN-MADE (More Afraid) u Industrial chemicals u Technologies (cell phones, GM food, nuclear power) power) u Prescription drugs (Less Afraid) u Organic food u Herbal remedies
6. DREAD (More Afraid) u Plane crash u Anything associated with radiation (cancer) u Pesticides (cancer) (Less Afraid) u Heart disease u Accidents
7. CATASTROPHIC or CHRONIC (More Afraid) u Terrorism u Plane crashes (Less Afraid) u Heart disease, stroke, infectious diseases u Motor vehicle crashes
8. UNCERTAINTY ( When we don’t have all the answers, or they’re hard to understand.) (More Afraid) u Terrorism u New technologies u Radiation, chemical products (Less Afraid) u Artificial Sweeteners u Microwave ovens u Electrical and magnetic fields
9. ME OR THEM (Personal vs. Statistical) u Terrorism in “The HoMEland” after September 11, 2001 u Mad Cow disease in Washington State, where the first infected cow in the U.S. was found, versus Washington D.C.
10. FAMILIAR V. NEW (More Afraid) u West Nile Virus when it first arrived in U.S. cities u Mad Cow disease in the U.K. in the 90’s u SARS (Less Afraid) u West Nile Virus those cities now u Mad Cow disease in England now u Influenza
11. CHILDREN u Vaccinations u Mercury u Abduction u Pesticides
12. EQUITY (More Afraid) u Risks to the sick, the handicapped, the poor u Victims of risk who get none of the benefits (Less Afraid) u Risks to the healthy, the able-bodied, the rich u People who get some of the benefits along with the risk
13. AWARENESS (More Afraid) u Terrorism u Cell phones and driving (Less Afraid) u Indoor air pollution u Heart disease