Night Flight of Dread and Delight Shekinah Fonville
Analysis “Night Flight of Dread and Delight” depicts exactly what the title is. Night flight meaning owls are nocturnal animals and they fly at night. The owls seem miserable but the night is beautiful! The stars in the sky with the one owl eye mix very well and makes a beautiful picture. It is made on an oil on canvas with collage.
Skunder (Alexander) Boghossian Alexander is an Ethiopian artist, he was born Addis Ababa in 1937. He made his first trip to the United States in 1970 and, except for a trip home when his father died in 1972, he spent the remainder of his life in the US. He was the first contemporary African artist to have work purchased by the Museum of Modern Art in New York and he was the first African commissioned by the World Federation of the United Nations Association to design a First Day Cover for a United Nations stamp. Alexander died in 2003.
Skunder (Alexander) Boghossian
North Carolina Museum of Art
What it displays The North Carolina Museum of Art has a lot of exhibits that include paintings and Sculptures. COLLECTION African American Ancient American Egyptian Classical European Contemporary Modern Judaic Rodin
North Carolina Museum of Art
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