October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25, Health & Comfort Our Aim was: Explaining and applying the principles of built environments that bring a high level of vitality and optimal comfort up to a high age
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25, Our Strategy has been: Sustainable Comfort = Health = 1.Reducing Health Risk (Safety, Security)* + 2.Health Support + 3.Extending Healthy, Vital and Productive Years Information gathering in Assignment 1 Old information at
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25, Tactics = use the 3 Professional Passions : 1.Aesthetics, Creativity: Add User-orientation 2.Comfort: Add long-term effects (Sustainable Comfort) 3.Process Elucidation: Add Design Creativity Towards a Health Supportive Built Environment (Assignment 2)
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25, (Mis) Conceptions on Users -User Orientation -User as co-designer -Mass individualization (Adaptive & Adaptable) -Integral Design -Designer Orientation -Standardisation -Fear for ICT or Technology Push -User does not want innovation -A Vendor’s market -Innovation will disrupt the market -User orientation is a luxury and not needed
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25, Year Women Men Life Expectancy in the Netherlands Source: E.M. Tabeau Grenzen aan de Ouderdom, Demos (Oktober/November) Average Life Expectancy at Birth
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25, The 3 P’s in Legislature 1. Profit 2. People 3. Planet People 2. Profit 3. Planet Planet 2.Profit 3. People People 2. Profit 3. Planet 2010 ?
Chiel Boonstra An Office Building Project Tax Office extension, Enschede Environmental design in practice OFFICES
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25, Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) Guest Speaker at 7y710 September 16, 2003 ir. Trees Klaver drs. Paul Weijmans Arbo en Milieu Service Organisatie (AMSO), TU/e
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25, Ecopark in Gallions Reach DWELLINGS Chiel Boonstra
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25,
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25,
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25,
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25, Next trimester: Course on Domotics for more details
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25, Health risk Values Individual Health Individual Exposure Assessment Medical Diagnosis Public Health Exposure Assessment Incidence of Nuisance, Stress or Disease Prevalence of Nuisance, Stress or Disease Chain Model Risk Analysis (OHS approach) DALY’s (Disability Adjusted Life Years)
October 25, 2003JEMH van Bronswijk TU/e, October 25, The Expert you will be (MSc, PhD) Oversees the body of Old Knowledge Renews technical legislation and professional guidelines Spreads New Knowledge through professional journals Researcher: makes New Knowledge in peer-reviewed contributions to scientific journals