What is suspense?
Why are these things associated with Halloween?
What is suspense? A feeling of curiosity, uncertainty, or even dread about what is going to happen next. Writers increase the level of suspense in a story by giving readers clues about what may happen. We don’t know what is going to happen in that haunted house or in those scary woods…
How do films, TV, and books increase suspense?
The Twilight Zone A hit series by Rod Serling that ran from He wrote many of the teleplays himself. A teleplay is a play written for television. He became known for twists and surprises. R8Y
Teleplays All it has is dialogue and stage directions to tell the story. Stage directions help cast and crew members know what the setting, characters, and atmosphere are like, as well as what the actors and camera operators need to do.
“The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” Aired in 1960 on TV Some key terms: Pan means to turn the camera to follow or scan a person or object. Cut means to switch the camera from one scene to another. A close-up is when the camera moves close to a subject, such as a person’s face. A long shot is when the camera films a subject from a long distance away.
“Monsters” Vocabulary **Bell Work: In your literature section, try to define the underlined words using context clues. He was reflective and calm when he decided not to fight. He was intimidated by the crowd, but he continued to speak. He was defiant and refused to cooperate.
Copy this down in your lit section. reflective-showing serious and careful thinking; thoughtful intimidated-frightened or threatened defiant-showing bold resistance to authority or an opponent
More “Monsters” Vocabulary **Bell Work: In your literature section, try to define the underlined words using context clues. Kicking the ball past that line isn’t legitimate. She told us exactly what to do. Her directions were explicit. Malik has prejudices against green beans and broccoli but has never eaten them.
Copy this down in your lit section. legitimate-following the rules; lawful; allowed explicit- clearly expressed or revealed prejudices-unfavorable opinions or judgments formed unfairly
Make a connection. How would you and your neighbors react if the power suddenly went out and cars wouldn’t start? This is what happens one night on Maple Street. What do you think might cause something like this to happen?
Note about predictions… Use what the story tells you as well as what you know from your own experience. While reading this story, think about: – How people deal with their fears – What causes people to turn against one another
“The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” What did I predict? Did my prediction come true?
Make a prediction. How do people react in the face of things they don’t understand?