Er weidet mich auf einer grünen Aue und führet mich zum frischen Wasser. Psalm 23,2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters. Psalm 23,2
Hier erscheint Dein eigenes Bild : in A 4, weißes Papier Male ein farbiges Bild, auf dem du diesen Psalm darstellst!
Zum Text: The water of the Earth Introduction/Einleitung Read this text. Write keywords for it here! Don‘t use the full-text in the ppp
Explain Figure 1 – Answer the questions from worksheet Nr. 1
Don‘t use the full-text version but keywords only! Explain Figure 2 – Answer the questions from worksheet No 2
Read the text – write keywords for it – don‘t use the full text in your ppp!
What is ”virtual water“? In keywords
THE GLOBAL WATER SITUATION 1. About the over-exploitation of water resources Use keywords only!
2. About the Worsening water pollution Keywords only!
Talk about this picture
Zum Text: The global water situation 3: Inadequate access to water supplies and sanitation Watch the news on TV or read a daily newspaper! Find out a topical example! – Where in Africa do such things happen? Use keywords only !!! Talk about this picture
4. About water and climate change
Hazards for groundwater ( hazard = Gefahr, Risiko )
Back to Psalm 23,2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters. (me = everybody, each person) What‘s about the ‚quiet waters‘ today? Talk about it – and your own opinion please! – in keywords here.