1 Your Instructor: Dr. Zarinah Arshat Department of Human Development and Family Studies Faculty of Human Ecology Universiti Putra Malaysia Room: Blok B, 1st Floor, FEM Contact #: ;
At the end of this module students will be able to: explain various types of disorders and factors influencing the existence of child and family psychopathology and effects (C2, P3) discuss types of treatment suitable and needed by clients experiencing psychopathology (C4, EM) discuss individual, family and community roles in overcoming and assisting individuals experiencing psychopathological problems (C5, A3, CS) 2
This course consists of analyses of abnormal behaviours of children and families experiencing psychopathology, with emphasis on causes, consequences and treatments. Focus is also given on the roles of individuals, family and society in assisting individuals with psychopathological problems. 3
No.Item% 1.COURSEWORK60 i) Mid-semester Test30 ii) Assignment FINAL EXAM (Comprehensive)40 Total100 4
Test & Exam Structure: Subjective & Essay 5
Definition - Psychopathology - Abnormal Psychology - Psychological Disorders Notions of Health and Illness - Normality - Abnormality Historical Perspective of Abnormal Behavior 6
Psychopathology A branch of medicine dealing with the causes and processes of mental disorders Refers to patterns of maladaptive behavior and states of distress which interfere with some aspects of adaptation 7
Abnormal Psychology A branch of psychology that studies abnormal behavior and method to help people who are affected by psychological disorders Psychological Disorders Patterns of abnormal behavior that is associated with states of emotional distress (anxiety/depression) or with impaired behavior 8
Think of the following situations: Feeling down due to the death of a loved one Feeling down when you receive a call offering a job that you really want Feeling anxious before an interview Feeling anxious before an interview to the extent that your shirt is soaked with perspiration 9
Normality - As the absence of disease - As an ideal state of mind - As the average level of functioning of an individual within the context of a total group - As a capacity to function competently - As a subjective sense of contentment and satisfaction - As an ability to adjust to one’s social environment effectively 10
Behavior is unusual Behavior is socially unacceptable or violates social norm Perception or interpretation of reality is faulty The person is in significant personal distress Behavior is maladaptive and self defeating Behavior is dangerous 11
Thomas was sleeping on the floor, afraid to sleep in his own bed. He was hearing voices that, had turned from being sometimes helpful to terrorizing. Depression had been responsible for his being irritable and full of dread, especially in the morning, becoming angry over frustrations at work and seemingly internalizing other people's problem….. The voices, human sounding were slowly turning bad. He could hear them jeering at him, plotting against him, singing songs sometimes that would only make sense later in the day when he do something wrong at the workplace. He was sleeping on the floor of his living room because he was afraid a presence in the room was torturing good forces around him. A voice even allowed him to only have a piece of bread during meals. 12
Thomas have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression 13
1. Faulty perceptions or interpretations of reality – delusions and hallucinations; hearing voices telling him to do certain things. 2. Maladaptive behavior – difficulty meeting responsibilities at work 3. Significant personal distress – feeling dread, depressed almost everyday 14
What is normal in one culture may be abnormal in another 15
The Demonological Model Trephination – creating a pathway through the skull to provide an outlet for those irascible spirit (a primitive form of surgery to remove shattered pieces of bone or blood clots that resulted from head injuries). Abnormal behavior caused by supernatural forces that take control of the mine Approach to treatment – persuading the demons to leave through the use of prayers, potions or physical punishment 16
Ill Humor (Physiological Explanation) Hippocrates ( B.C) explain abnormal behavior in term natural rather than supernatural Behavior was governed by the level of 4 humors in the body. Phlegm – high level lead to sluggish Black bile – excess lead to depression Yellow bile – excess lead to tension, anxiety Blood – excess lead to rapid mood swing Galen expanded the teaching of Hippocrates – discovered that arteries carried blood not air 18
Return to demonology Exorcism – the treatment of choice abnormal behaviors were a sign of possession by evil spirit or the devil 19