THE LAST STRAW! When the South final reaches the ultimate boiling point
LETS MEET THE CONTESTANTS! Northern Democrats Stephen Douglas Southern Democrats John C. Breckinridge (V.P.) Republican Abraham Lincoln Constitutional Union John Bell
THE CONSTANT ISSUE…SLAVERY Dread Scott Case (1856) Slave from Missouri who was taken above the Missouri compromise line for four years before returning with his owner to MO. Owner dies and Scott sues for his freedom claiming he became a free man when he lived above the MO Compromise line. Supreme Court Chief Roger B. Taney ruled that slaves were property and didn’t have the rights of citizens, therefore Scott had no right to freedom. Also declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional, making slavery legal in all states and territories…no matter their geographic location.
A TURN IN THE SOUTH'S FAVOR The Lecompton Constitution President Buchanan owed his presidency to the support of the south He endorsed the proslavery constitution created in Lecompton Kansas By endorsing this proslavery constitution, Buchanan was over roiling the territories right to Popular Sovereignty. With all that is going on the South is thrilled and thinks think are finally turning in their favor, while the North become very afraid of the future.
OH NO…HE’S BACK! Reading about ancient roman slave revolts on Haiti, John Brown believed that he could accomplish the same thing in the Southern US. Backed by Northern abolitionist, Brown and 21 men went into Harpers Ferry VA and aimed to seize control of federal armory and supply the slaves with weapons. Held 60 people hostage and told there slaves to come forward and join him now that there masters were hostages…not a single one joined him. Robert E. Lee raced down to Harpers Ferry killing 10 of Brown’s men and took Brown himself into custody. Brown was hung on December
LET THE BATTLE BEGIN Lincoln Believed slavery was immoral Doubted that slavery would ever end if it wasn’t illegal. Made Douglas look like he was proslavery and agreed with the Dred Scott case. Turning Point Asked if settlers of a territory could decided whether or not it could exclude slavery even though Supreme Court said states couldn’t. Douglas Didn’t care about slavery, but firmly believed in Popular Sovereignty. Believed that slavery would die out on its own through time thanks to Popular Sovereignty. Called Abe a abolitionist who believed in equality. (big no-no for the time period) Turning Point Answered by stating that settlements were able to work around the Dred Scott Ruling. (Referred to as the Freeport Doctrine)
THE OUTCOME Douglas wins the election, but worsens the spilt between North and South Democratic and make things much harder for himself. Republicans become greatly impressed with Lincoln and the campaign he ran. Began thinking he would be a great Presidential candidate for 1860.
LETS MEET THE CONTESTANTS! Northern Democrats Stephen Douglas Southern Democrats John C. Breckinridge (V.P.) Republican Abraham Lincoln Constitutional Union John Bell