Anxiety A strong feeling of worry (noun) Synonym: nervousness, worry, apprehension Related Words: anxious (adjective) feeling nervous.


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Presentation transcript:

Anxiety A strong feeling of worry (noun) Synonym: nervousness, worry, apprehension Related Words: anxious (adjective) feeling nervous

Despair A feeling of being very unhappy and having no hope (noun) Synonym: misery, hopelessness, gloom Antonym: joy Related Words: desperation (noun) hopelessness

Peculiar strange (adjective) Synonym: strange, unusual, irregular, curious Antonym: normal

Tremble To shake (verb) Synonym: shiver, shake, shudder, quake, tremor,

Utter To speak or make a sound from your mouth (verb) Synonym: say, express, speak, articulate Related Words: utterance (noun) something said as vocal sound

Depressing Making you feel sad (adjective) Synonym: sad, disheartening, gloomy, miserable Related Words: depression (noun) state of sadness

Vacant Empty (adjective) Synonym: empty, unoccupied, free, available Antonym: occupied Related Words: vacancy (noun) unfilled space/position

Mental having to do with the mind (verb) Synonym: intellectual Antonym: physical

Gusts Sudden, strong movements of wind (noun) Synonym: squall, draft, burst

Bizarre Very strange (adjective) Synonym: strange, weird, off the wall Antonym: ordinary

Vault an underground chamber (noun) Synonym: crypt, tomb, mausoleum

Remove To take something away (verb) Synonym: eliminate, eradicate, confiscate

Linger To wait around (noun) Synonym: remain, loiter Antonym: leave

Quivering Shaking (adjective) Synonym: trembling, shuddering

Brawling fighting in a noisy way (adjective) Synonym: scuffle, fight, clash

Terror intense, sharp fear (noun) Synonym: fear, alarm, dread, horror

Nervous feeling uneasy or anxious (adjective) Synonym: edgy, tense Antonym: calm, relaxed

Horror centered upon or depicting terrifying or macabre events (adjective) Synonym: shock, awfulness, repulsion