The Puritans in England Puritans are a group of religious purists who fomented a revolution in England in the 1600’s The Puritan leader, Oliver Cromwell, defeated King Charles I, beheaded him and became “Lord Protectorate” of the United Kingdom. They ruled England for 30 years until 1666 when Cromwell died. Charles II was returned from France and reclaimed his father’s throne and the Puritans were punished and banished from England for their part in the revolution. Some had fled to the new world at Plymouth in Massachusetts and others followed until the northeast was settled by devout Puritans
The Mayflower
Plymouth, Massachusetts
The Mayflower Compact Ye Compacte Signed in Ye Cabin of Ye Mayflower Ye 11 of November Anno Dominie 1620 In ye name of God, Amen. We whose names are underwritten, the loyall subjects of our dread and soveraigne Lord, King James, by ye grace of God, of Great Britaine, Frand, and Yreland king, defender of ye faither, &c., haveing undertaken for ye glorie of God, and advancemente of ye Christian faith, and honour to our king and countrie, a voyage to plant ye first colonie in ye Northerne parts of Virginia, doe by these presents solemnly and mutually in ye presense of God, and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves togeather into a civill body politick, for our better ordering & preservation & furtherance of ye ends afordsaid; and by vertue hearof to enacte, constitute, and frame such just & equall lawes, ordinances, Acts, constitutions & offices from time to fime, as shall be thought most meete & convenient for ye generall goode of ye Colonie, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. Yn witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cap-Codd ye 11. of November, in ye year of ye raigne of our soveraigne lord, King James, of England, France, & Yreland ye eighteenth, and Scotland ye fiftie fourth, Ano: Dom John Carver --- William Bradford Edward Winslow --- William Brewster Isaac Allerton --- Myles Standish John Alden --- Samuel Fuller
Puritan world view- Religious Humans are inherently evil- they are born with original sin Mankind’s destiny is pre- determined. God knows who will be saved Salvation comes only through God’s grace (blessing) The Bible is the source of God’s word Evidence of a godly life is found in a person’s daily behavior
The village
The commonwealth garden
Going to church
Guarding the outpost
Early Leadership William Bradford Governor of Plymouth William Bradford was one of the leaders of the pilgrims who established Plymouth Colony. He was its governor for more than 30 years. His History of Plymouth Plantation, , first printed in full in 1856, is a minor classic, reflecting the unusual qualities of the man and the values of the small group of English separatists who became known as Pilgrims. The term Pilgrim is derived from his description of himself and his co-religionists as they left Holland (July 22, 1620) for Southampton, where they joined another group of English separatists on the Mayflower. During the period of his governorship, and especially during the first few years, Bradford provided the strong, steady leadership that kept the tiny community alive. He strove to sustain the religious ideals of the founders and to keep the colony's settlements compact and separate from the larger neighboring colonies. Bradford died on May 9 or 19, 1657.
Government Communal to individual God/ Government/ Commandments Began with the mayflower compact- a democratic form of agreement on terms and social regulations with men as voting members of the community. The “City of God” concept- religious rules and government rules were mixed. Religious leaders served as government officials in the courts, record keeping, and leading committees.
Puritan punishment- shaming
Social Life Wanted a Christian “Commonwealth” in which all goods were to be held in common and distributed as needed to anyone in the community. Followed a strict moral code based on biblical principles. Stressed education for the purpose of reading the scriptures Valued hard work, charity, piety- the ten commandments Strict upbringing for children- did not spare the rod! Children began working the farms early in life or helping with the household. Attended church on Sundays for hours- no work allowed on Sundays. LITERATURE: Personal: Journals, poetry, religious songs Governmental- Business- letters, transcripts of court proceedings, documents of land sales, births, deaths etc. Many of the Puritan records were lost in the American Revolutionary War through fires.
Puritan historical record Believed in education of children- reading the Bible was critical! Personal: Journals, poetry, religious songs Governmental- Business- letters, transcripts of court proceedings, documents of land sales, births, deaths etc. Many of the Puritan records were lost in the American Revolutionary War through fires.
The First Thanksgiving #1
The First Thanksgiving #2
The first Thanksgiving # 3