Igor Mortis presents….. The sory of Bin Laden…..
"In the year of the new century and nine months, …. The sky will burn at forty-five degrees, Fire approaches the great new city..." In the city of York there will be a great collapse, 2 twin brothers t o r n apart by chaos while the fortress fall the great leader will succumb the Third Big WAR will begin when the big city is burning "
Here, Nostradamus says that a man from Greater Arabia will lead his forces on an invasion through Europe. This invasion will start a third world war that will be far worse than all the other wars put together (Guentte). When will all this take place? From the sky will come a great King of Terror... He will bring back to life the King of the Mongols; Before and after war reigns He will bring back to life the King of the Mongols; Before and after war reigns By fire he will destroy their city, A cold and cruel heart, Blood will pour, Mercy to none. (Guentte) By fire he will destroy their city, A cold and cruel heart, Blood will pour, Mercy to none. (Guentte)
Although Nostradamus 's predictions for our future sound frightening he does give us some hope by telling us how this third world war will end. He says it will end as a result of an unexpected alliance. When those of the Northern Pole are united, In the East will be great fear and dread... One day the two great leaders will be friends; Their great powers will be seen to grow. The New Land will be at the height of its power: To the man of blood the number is reported. When those of the Northern Pole are united, In the East will be great fear and dread... One day the two great leaders will be friends; Their great powers will be seen to grow. The New Land will be at the height of its power: To the man of blood the number is reported. The new land was a common term used by Nostradamus to refer to what we now call America. The countries of the northern pole could be Russia and the United States. We have recently seen the breakdown of Communism in Russia and an increasing friendship between Russia and the U.S. (Reader's Digest 515).
Ik kaap me een vliegmachien... gewoon om new york te zien... Om jou te bekoren, vlieg ik los door die toren...