Happy are… Those Who Mourn Matt. 5:4 & Luke 22:54-62
Biblical Mourning “ The very fact that there are nine different verbs in the Greek alone (all used in scripture) to express the concept of grief is a pretty good indication that it is part and parcel of human living. ” Kingdom Living Here and Now, John Mac Arthur, Jr. p. 56 Ps. 42:2-3 - Tears of loneliness 2 Tim. 1:3-4 - Tears of affection Jer. 9:1 - Tears of heartache Acts 20:31 - Tears of concern Mark 9: Tears of earnest love Luke 7: Tears of devotion “ Pain and suffering are not inherently evil. They are simply a part of our world, and can, when reacted to properly, serve a constructive purpose in what has been called the ‘ soul making process. ’” The Beatitudes, Rubel Shelly, p. 24 Another has said that sorrow as described by Jesus in the beatitudes, “ must be embraced, not because it is inescapable and the struggle futile, but because true happiness is impossible without it. ” Invitation to a Spiritual Revolution, Paul Earnhart, p. 8
Unprofitable Mourning Mourning Unfulfilled Desires 2 Sam. 13:1-4 - Amnon’s sinful distress 1 Kings 21:1-4 - Ahab’s selfish mourning Mourning Just Discipline Lev. 10:1-7 - Aaron was not to mourn his son’s deaths
Sincerely Acknowledge Your Sin Lk. 22:33, See all sin for what it is Is. 59:1-2 - It is separation Eph. 2:1-3 - It is death Rom. 3:23 - We are all guilty Do not hide or ignore it Ps. 32:3 - It will consume you 1 Cor. 5:1-3, It consumes like cancer Do not sugarcoat it Is. 5:20 - Maladies can only be appropriately treated when appropriately identified
Feel the full weight of your sin Luke 22:61 Remember Peter’s promise “Lord, with you I am ready to go both to prison and death!” - Luke 22:33 Peter’s sin was not just denial of association, but a refusal to go with Jesus. He abandoned his friend and Lord when needed the most.
Let God’s word “tear at your soul” Luke 22:62 Prepare your heart to receive instruction Matt. 13: The Parable of the Sower Remove heart hardening influences Pride Love of sin Conceit Procrastination Frivolity This Godly sorrow will drive you to the cross 2 Cor. 7:10 - It produces genuine repentance Joel 2:13 - Only true sorrow of sin has this effect Acts 2:37 - We see this sorrow on Pentecost