1 Blessed Are They That Mourn
2 I. A Paradox A paradox is as statement that seems to contradict itself How strange to say “happy are they who grieve” In Mt. 5:4 the mourning does not refer to the normal losses and pains of life
3 II. “Blessed Are They That Mourn” This refers to a spiritual mourning The meaning - blessed or happy are those who have the ability to mourn over sin
4 II. “Blessed Are They That Mourn” Why is mourning over sin so important? Rom. 6:23 Is. 59:1-2
5 II. “Blessed Are They That Mourn” Those who can be touched and are deeply hurt to see souls lost in sin are blessed
6 III. How This Helps Us 1. We see that alone we cannot deal with sin and the problems it brings --- we need God’s help Jer. 10:23
7 III. How This Helps Us 2. It leads us to repentance Being sorry for sins committed does to benefit unless it leads us to change our lives – to repent Prodigal son Lk. 15:18-20
8 III. How This Helps Us 2. It leads us to repentance 2 Cor. 7:9-10
9 III. How This Helps Us 2. It leads us to repentance If we are happy in our sinful state we will never seek the forgiveness of God and the comfort that comes with forgiveness
10 III. How This Helps Us 2. It leads us to repentance Our mourning over sin does not remove sin but it is the first step which leads us to repent and seek God’s forgiveness
11 III. How This Helps Us 3. It will cause us to have compassion on the lost Lk. 19:41 Lk. 19:10 Mk. 16:15
12 III. How This Helps Us 3. It will cause us to have compassion on the lost We must mourn over the state of the whole world – a world which is drowning in sin!
13 IV. How The Mourners Are Comforted 1. We are reconciled with God when we obey his will We then know the true peace of God
14 IV. How The Mourners Are Comforted 2. Mourning helps keep us faithful to God This mourning is a continual experience – the Christian mourns over the sins he commits both by commission and omission
15 IV. How The Mourners Are Comforted 3. If we obey the will of God and continue faithful we will have a home in heaven The final comfort comes when we leave this world and we are done with it forever Lk. 16:25
16 Conclusion “Only those who mourn are in touch with the reality of sin and its destructive for in their lives. Mourners are ready for a solution to sin….” Tom Moore
17 References Survey of the Life of Christ, by Melvin J. Wise The Living Way series, Lambert’s Book House, 1968 “The Beatitudes, Spiritual Sword, Vol. 4 #3 “The Beatitudes”, Christian Worker, Vol. 97, #2