“Together We Unite To Build God’s Kingdom” Together We GROW, United We BUILD! Matthew 5:1-12.


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Presentation transcript:

“Together We Unite To Build God’s Kingdom” Together We GROW, United We BUILD! Matthew 5:1-12

broken into 2 categories:

 The first four –  The first four –  The second four –  The second four – Preparation of our Attitudes and Character toward God Preparation of our Attitudes and Character toward God Presentation of our Attitudes and Character toward others Presentation of our Attitudes and Character toward others

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (NIV) “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (NIV) Matthew 5:3….

NOT poor in the finances. The “poor in spirit” refers to “being poor in the sight of God.” The “poor in spirit” refers to “being poor in the sight of God.”

ptochoi ptochoi is not so much material as it is spiritual (as “in spirit” implies). is not so much material as it is spiritual (as “in spirit” implies).

came to realization that WITHOUT God and God’s blessing and guidance in his life – his life would never amount to anything. came to realization that WITHOUT God and God’s blessing and guidance in his life – his life would never amount to anything.

Scripture says…. Only those who are truly sorry for their sins that will be given the opportunity to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who are truly sorry for their sins that will be given the opportunity to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (NIV) “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (NIV) Matthew 5:4….

This beatitude does not refer to someone who cries a lot or mourning for some reason. This beatitude does not refer to someone who cries a lot or mourning for some reason. “Blessed are those who mourn” refers to “being broken-hearted because of the sin you have committed toward God.” “Blessed are those who mourn” refers to “being broken-hearted because of the sin you have committed toward God.”

“Those who mourn” acknowledge their sins and spiritual poverty. “Those who mourn” acknowledge their sins and spiritual poverty. (cf. 2 Corinthians 7:10; James 4:9)

The Greek term here rendered “mourn” (penthountes) conveys the idea of extreme sadness. The Greek term here rendered “mourn” (penthountes) conveys the idea of extreme sadness. Those who mourn because they have spiritual needs can expect God to comfort them. Those who mourn because they have spiritual needs can expect God to comfort them.

God is His own supernatural, mysterious and wonderful way will forgive and bring spiritual comfort to those who are truly sorry for their sins. God is His own supernatural, mysterious and wonderful way will forgive and bring spiritual comfort to those who are truly sorry for their sins.

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” (NIV) “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” (NIV) Matthew 5:5…. Psalm 37:11…. “But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.” (NIV) “But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.” (NIV)

praeis praeis means…. gentle, humble, modest means…. gentle, humble, modest The “meek” person surrenders everything to the Lord and His control. He bears injustice patiently and without bitterness. (cf. Titus 3:1-7) The “meek” person surrenders everything to the Lord and His control. He bears injustice patiently and without bitterness. (cf. Titus 3:1-7)

A “meek person” is someone who has a true and healthy estimation of themselves, and sees themselves as a human being with no special claims to status, power, or strength. A “meek person” is someone who has a true and healthy estimation of themselves, and sees themselves as a human being with no special claims to status, power, or strength.

Because of their understanding of who they are, they are able to treat people in the appropriate manner: gently, kindly, and considerately. Because of their understanding of who they are, they are able to treat people in the appropriate manner: gently, kindly, and considerately.

Scripture says…. “the meek will inherit the earth.” Scripture says…. “the meek will inherit the earth.” Those who are meek … are highly respected. People are drawn to them because of their loveable character. Those who are meek … are highly respected. People are drawn to them because of their loveable character.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” (NIV) “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” (NIV) Matthew 5:6….

The two words “hunger” & “thirst” express The two words “hunger” & “thirst” express is the divine order; divine law. is the divine order; divine law.

“Hungering and thirsting for righteousness” means…. “Hungering and thirsting for righteousness” means…. “desiring more than anything the things of God.” “desiring more than anything the things of God.”

A person who “hungers and thirsts for righteousness” would never be satisfied with…. Only going to church on Sunday – they need weekly Bible Study and times of prayer. Only reading their Bible when they get in the mood – they need to do their daily devotions.

Only become involved in Kingdom’s work if it is convenient – they only feel fulfilled when they are going about doing God’s work.

Those who “hunger and thirst for righteousness” never “do” enough or never “be” enough for the Kingdom of God. Those who “hunger and thirst for righteousness” never “do” enough or never “be” enough for the Kingdom of God. It is that hunger and thirst for the things of God that motivates them to keep going.

Scripture says…. “those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled.” God will FILL them to an overflowing in abundant blessing. God will FILL them to an overflowing in abundant blessing.