Prof. Michele Miccio a.a TEORIA DELLO SVILUPPO DEI PROCESSI CHIMICI Modeling and control for process industry Rev. 1 of March 13, 2014
Course Syllabus Study of the BIBO stability of linear feedback control systems Automatic process control Outline of major problems, strategies or architectures in automatic control Outline of industrial control system technology 2
Course Syllabus M athematical Modeling Modeling and Simulation 3 General classification of mathematical models Intro to dynamical analysis of non- linear systems Discrete-time non- linear systems
Objectives of the Course To give the students theoretical basis, methodological tools and software aid in order to: determine the stability of linear feedback control systems: discern the complexity of the process engineering systems; represent them as abstract systems; classify general and mathematical models; understand the difference in the dynamical analysis between linear non- linear systems 4
Study materials Main Consultation books Magnani G., “Tecnologie dei Sistemi di Controllo”, McGraw-Hill Libri Italia, ISBN , Collocazione MAG (2 copie) Stephanopoulos G., “Chemical process control: an introduction to theory and practice”, Prentice Hall, ISBN , Collocazione STE (2 copie) Himmelblau D.M. e Bischoff K.B., “Process Analysis and Simulation”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1967 (Collocazione: HIM 1) Other Consultation books Chau P. C., “Process Control - A First Course with MATLAB®”, Cambridge University Press, ISBN-13: , ISBN-10: , 2002, $48.00 Collocazione CHA (3 copie) Palazoglu A. and Romagnoli J.A., "Introduction To Process Control (Chemical Industries)", CRC Press, ISBN: , 2005, Collocazione ROM Other reference Examination texts, solved examples, lecture slides and other learning material can be retrieved from the web: 5
Assessment method of the final exam software-based test ½ score carried out in a PC lab use allowed of all study materials oral colloquium ½ score at least 1 week after the software-based test 6