The Triangle Fire Worst factory fire in New York history Occurred on March 25, 1911 around 4:45- the last fifteen minutes of the work day Triangle Shirtwaist Factory occupied the top 3 floors of the building
The Triangle Fire
Inside of the factory after the fire
The Weight of the Falling BodiesIdentifying the Burnt Bodies Jumping Out of the window causedafter the fire. Many girls d holes in the sidewalk like thiscould only be identified by their engagement rings
Broken Bodies Lying on the Sidewalk
The Aftermath of the Fire This couple had just identified their daughter among the victims In all 146 men and women lost their lives in the fire, the youngest being 11.
Results of the Triangle Fire Thousands of women mourn the loss of the victims of the fire Fire Prevention and inspections of factories becomes routine and the horrors of the garment industry is reformed nationwide as a result.