Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) DTL design status A. Pisent.


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Presentation transcript:

Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) DTL design status A. Pisent

Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) Design high-lights after the AIR Defined the DTL design for 50 mA, 80 MeV, 4 tanks, 16 modules. 1. phase advance/meter matching at high energy 2. verified shunt impedance, surface field, stabilization capability 3 increased transverse acceptance (bore aperture) and longitudinal acceptance. 4. RF dissipation power density and module length compatible with CERN mechanical design. Main differences of ESS design with respect to the Linac4 design (behind the energy range): –Use of FODO lattice instead of FFDD. –Stronger PMQ in the first tank (proposal today for a moderation of this point) –Use of steerers and diagnostics (BPM) inside DT. –Ramped Field E0 (moderately in the first tank, see Michele). –Higher energy for the first inter tank transition. –Shorter intertank space: 1  instead of 2 . All these changes are in the direction of a smoother lattice. First mechanical design available (mazimum compatibility with cern development). Person dedicated still missing (engineer for INFN Torino) Planned visit to CERN next month

Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) Main design parameters

Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy)


Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) Elements part of DTL WP (boundaries) DTL Vacuum pumps And gauges RF network RF coupler Control system Water cooling skids RF pick ups HPRF LPRF Local Control system support INFN Alignment refs General water distribution Spoke section MEBT RF window Heat exchanger Beam port flange Steerer PS pumping port Beam diagnostics Mechnical (DT and TS)

Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) Cooling system Parameter/Tank1234 Cells E0 [MV/m]2.8, Max.Surface Field [E max /Ek] Tank length [m] 7.95 (9.3 )7.62(8.9 )7.76(9.1 )7.72(9.0 ) Q0 (no margins) N° of mech. Modules4444 Peak power on copper [MW] Average Power on copper (1.25 margin, 5% duty cycle) [kW] Electrical power for pumps in the skid to be determined

Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) Cooling system Power per tank=60kW Mass flow per channel=3m/s*Area Channel *density=0.34kG/s C p =4180 J/(kG*K) dT=(Power/Nchannel)/(Mass Flow* Cp)=2.5° dynamic range tank [MHz]±0.07 Ntuners_movable_tank3 Movable_Tuners_Stroke [mm]±52.1 Dynamic tuning range: tuners CERN design Dynamic tuning range with water will be studied Turbulent flow

Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) Linac4 in the new building - 1 Equipment gallery (klystrons) Machine tunnel Source and RFQ Loading area ground

Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) Linac4 in the new building - 2 Low-energy sideHigh-energy side 3.5*3.5m

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Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) A.Pisent comitato 3 dicembre

Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) A.Pisent comitato 3 dicembre