richard hamilton interjöör II /49 ofort paberil
richard hamilton picasso kujud /49 ofort paberil
david hockney
david hockney The Second Tea Painting 1961 Oil on canvas 155 x 91 cm Private collection
david hockney Man Taking Shower in Beverly Hills 1964 Acrylic on canvas 167 x 167 cm Tate Gallery, London
david hockney Portrait Surrounded by Artistic Devices 1965 Acrylic on canvas 153 x 183 cm Arts Council of Great Britain
david hockney Beverly Hills Housewife 1966 Acrylic on two canvases 183 x 366 cm Private collection
david hockney Portrait of Nick Wilder 1966 Acrylic on canvas 183 x 183 cm Private collection
david hockney Peter getting out of Nick's pool 1966 Acrylic on canvas 152 x 152cm National Museums Liverpool
david hockney A Bigger Splash 1967 Acrylic on canvas x cm Tate Gallery, London
david hockney A Lawn Being Sprinkled 1967 Acrylic on canvas 153 x 153 cm Collection of Lyn and Norman Lear
david hockney Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy 1970 Acrylic on canvas 304 x 213 cm Tate Gallery, London
david hockney Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures) 1971 Acrylic on canvas 214 x cm Collection David Geffen
david hockney Two Deckchairs, Calvi 1972 Acrylic on canvas 153 x 122 cm Museum Boymans- van Beuningen, Rotterdam
david hockney Pearblossom Highway, 11-18th April 1986 # Photographic collage 198 x 282 cm Collection the artist
peter blake autoportree märkidega /122 õli lõuendil
claes oldenburg pepsi-cola 1961 Assamblaaž 148 x x 19.1 cm Museum of contemporary Art, Los Angeles
claes oldenburg põranda- burger /213 pehme skulptuur
claes oldenburg The Store 1962 Enviroment in the Green Gallery, NY
claes oldenburg jäätisetorbik 1962 pehme skulptuur
claes oldenburg Floor Cone 1962 Synthetic polymer paint on canvas filled with foam rubber and cardboard boxes x x 142 cm The Museum of Modern Art, NY
claes oldenburg Two Cheeseburgers, with Everything 1962 Burlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel 17.8 x 37.5 x 21.8 cm The Museum of Modern Art, NY
claes oldenburg Floor Cake 1962 Synthetic polymer paint and latex on canvas filled with foam rubber and cardboard boxes x x cm The Museum of Modern Art, NY
claes oldenburg The Stove with Meats 1962 Muslin and burlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel; stove and objects 147,3 x 71,1 x 69,9 cm Neue Galerie, Aachen, Ludwig Collection
claes oldenburg Lilngerie Counter 1962 Muslin and burlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel, metal stand, glass base H 210 cm Ungarisches- Ludwig-Museum, Budapest
claes oldenburg Glass Case with Pies (Assorted Pies in a Case) 1962 burlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel, with pie tins, in glass- and-metal case 47.6 x 31.1 x 27.6 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington
claes oldenburg Pastry Case, I Painted plaster sculptures on ceramic plates, metal platter and cups in glass-and-metal case 52.7 x 76.5 x 37.3 cm The Museum of Modern Art, NY
claes oldenburg Soft Pay-Telephone 1963 Vinyl filled with kapok, mounted on painted wood panel 118,11 x 48,26 x 22,9 cm Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
claes oldenburg Soft Toaster 1964 Vinyl, kapok, cloth, and paint on wood 51 x 38 x 25 cm Allen Memorial Art Museum, Ohio
claes oldenburg Toilet (hard Model) 1966 Varnish and felt-pen on corrugated cardboard and wooden construction x 71.1 x 83.8 cm Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt/M
claes oldenburg Soft Toilet 1966 Vinyl filled with kapok, painted with liquitex and wood x 81.2 x 76.2 cm Collection of Whitney Museum of American Art. Nueva York
claes oldenburg Lipstick (Ascending) on Caterpillar Tracks Cor-Ten steel, steel, aluminum, cast resin; painted with polyurethane enamel 7.2 x 7.6 x 3.3 m Samuel F. B. Morse College, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
claes oldenburg hiiglaslik jääkott /600 cm vinüül, teras, lateks, mootor
claes olden- burg ce Bag--Scale B 1971 programmed kinetic sculpture, yellow nylon material, fiberglass, and mechanical movement diameter: cm, height when raised: cm National Gallery of Art, Washington
claes oldenburg Spoonbridge and Cherry 1988 Stainless steel and aluminum painted with polyurethane enamel 9 x 15.7 x 4.1 m Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
claes oldenburg Dropped Cone 2001 Stainless and galvanized steels, fiber- reinforced plastic, balsawood; painted with polyester gelcoat 12.1 m, high x 5.8 m, diameter height above building: 10 m Neumarkt Galerie, Cologne, Germany
claes oldenburg Dropped Cone 2001 Stainless and galvanized steels, fiber-reinforced plastic, balsawood; painted with polyester gelcoat 12.1 m high x 5.8 m diameter height above building: 10 m Neumarkt Galerie, Cologne, Germany
George Segal köielkõndija 1969
Geor ge Segal The Dancers, model 1971, cast 1982 bronze with white patina, overall size: 179 x x cm, base: 12 x x cm
Georg e Segal Chicken (Portfolio (Series) Title: Seven Objects in a Box) cm x cm cast acrylic and fiberglass
George Segal Man in Bar 1969 Plaster, paint, metal, wood, and cloth x 62.3 x 31.4 cm
george segal holokaust /609/609 plast, puu, traat
andy warhol 100 Cans 1962 Oil on canvas x cm Collection Albright- Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo
andy warhol Turquoise Marilyn 1962
andy warhol Green Marilyn 1962 silkscreen on synthetic polymer paint on canvas 50.8 x 40.6 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington
andy warhol Red Liz 1962 synthetic polymer paint and silk screen ink on canvas cm x cm San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
andy warhol Campbell's Soup Cans 1962 Synthetic polymer paint on thirty-two canvases, each canvas 50.8 x 40.6 cm The museum of Modern Art, NY
andy warhol Elvis 1963 synthetic polymer paint screenprinted onto canvas 208 x 91 cm National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
andy warhol Double Elvis 1963 Silkscreen ink on synthetic polymer paint on canvas x cm The museum of Modern Art, NY
andy warhol Double Elvis 1963 Silkscreen ink on aluminum paint on primed canvas 83 x 81 1/2 in Private collection
andy warhol Triple Elvis 1963 Aluminum paint and printer's ink silk-screened on canvas 82 / 71 inches Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
andy warhol Five Deaths 1963 Silkscreen ink on acrylic paint on primed canvas 30 1/4 x 30 1/4 in Private collection
andy warhol Electric Chair x cm) Synthetic polymer silkscreened on canvas Dallas Museum of Art
andy warhol Flowers 1964 Silk screen on canvas x x 2.5 cm Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut
andy warhol Marilyn 1964 Silkscreen and oil on canvas 40 x 40 in Leo Castelli Gallery, New York
andy warhol Self-Portrait 1966 Silkscreen ink on synthetic polymer paint on nine canvases, Each canvas 57.2 x 57.2 cm, overall x cm The Museum of Modern Art, NY
andy warhol Marlon Brando 1966 Silkscreen ink on raw canvas 40 7/8 x 46 in Private collection
andy warhol Che Guevara
andy warhol Marilyn 1967
andy warhol Untitled from Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn) 1967 One from a portfolio of ten screenprints, composition and sheet: 91.5 x 91.5 cm The Museum of Modern Art, NY
andy warhol Black Bean 1968 Screenprint on paper 89,2 x 59,1 cm Tate Gallery, London
andy warhol Vegetarian Vegetable from Campbell's Soup II 1969 Screenprint 88.9 x 58.4 cm The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
andy warhol Campbell's Soup II (Cheddar Cheese) 1969 Screenprint 88.9 x cm Oklahoma City Museum Of Art
andy warhol Brillo Boxes 1969 Acrylic silkscreen on wood 50.8 x 50.8 x 43.2 cm each of 100 boxes Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, California
andy warhol Flowers 1970 Screenprint 91.5 x 91.5 cm Colección Ludwig. Neue Galerie. Aquisgrán
andy warhol 10 variations on Mao Tse-tung 1972 colour serigraph on wove paper 91.4 x 91.4 cm National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
andy warhol Last Self- Portrait 1986 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas x cm The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
james rosenquist I Love You with My Ford, Oil on canvas, 6 feet 10 3/4 inches x 7 feet 9 1/2 inches
james rosen quist Hey! Let's Go for a Ride, Oil on canvas, 34 1/8 x 35 7/8 inches
james rosenquist Marilyn Monroe, I Oil and spray enamel on canvas, 7' 9" x 6' 1/4" (236.2 x cm).
james rosenquist Nomad,1963 Oil on canvas, plastic, and wood, 90 x 141"
james rosenquist F Oil on canvas with aluminum, twenty- three sections x cm)
james rosenquist F-111, 1964–65 (detail). Multipanel room installation: oil on canvas and aluminum, panels, 10 x 86 feet overall
james rosenquist F-111, 1964–65 (detail). Multipanel room installation: oil on canvas and aluminum, panels, 10 x 86 feet overall
james rosenquist marilyn ,5/69,5 litograafia
james rosenquist Industrial Cottage, Oil on canvas, 6 feet 9 inches x 15 feet 3 1/2 inches
james rosenquist The Swimmer in the Econo-mist (painting 3), 1997–98. Oil on shaped canvas, 13 feet 2 1/4 inches x 20 feet 3/16 inches
roy lichtenstein whaam! ,7/406,4 akrüül ja õli lõuendil
roy lichten stein vicki /105 terasel
roy lichtenstein plahvatus /43,5 litograafia paberil
roy lichten- stein modelleeritud maal neljal paneelil nr /135 (iga paneel) õli lõuendil
roy lichtenstein Stepping Out 1978 Oil and magna on canvas x cm The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
Ed Kienholz John Doe 1959 Paint and resin on mannequin parts set on metal perambulator with wood, metal, rubber, and plastic toy 39 1/2 x 19 x 31 1/4 in. (100.3 x 48.3 x 79.4 cm) The Menil Collection, Housto
Ed Kienholz History as a Planter 1961 Paint and resin on metal oven and mannequin parts with metal Jew's Harp, newspaper, wood, plexiglass, tin, Wandering Jew plant, and electrical cord 33 1/4 x 20 1/2 x 14 1/4 in. (84.5 x 52.1 x 36.2 cm) closed Los Angeles County Museum of Ar
Ed Kienholz The Illegal Operation 1962 Polyester resin, paint, shopping cart, furniture, conrete, lamp, cloth, bedpan, and medical implements 59 x 48 x 54 in. (149.9 x x cm) Betty and Monte Factor Family Collection
Ed Kienholz Back Seat Dodge ' Tableau: polyester resin, paint, fiberglass, and flock, truncated 1938 Dodge, clothing, chicken wire, beer bottles, artificial grass, and plaster cast 66 x 240 x 144 in. (167.6 x x cm) Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Ed Kienholz The Birthday 1964 Mixed media x x cm Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany
Ed Kienholz The State Hospital (EXTERIOR) 1966 Tableau: plaster casts, fiberglass, hospital beds, bedpan, hospital table, goldfish bowls, live black fish, lighted neon tubing, steel hardware, wood, paint 96 x 144 x 120 in. (243.8 x x cm) Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Ed Kienholz The State Hospital (INTERIOR) 1966 Tableau: plaster casts, fiberglass, hospital beds, bedpan, hospital table, goldfish bowls, live black fish, lighted neon tubing, steel hardware, wood, paint 96 x 144 x 120 in. (243.8 x x cm) Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Ed Kienholz The Portable War Memorial 1968 Tableau: plaster casts, tombstone, blackboard, flag, poster, restaurant furniture, photographs, working Coca-Cola machine, stuffed dog, wood, metal, and fiberglass 114 x 384 x 96 in. (289.6 x x cm) Museum Ludwig, Cologne
Ed Kienholz Sollie Tableau: wood, plexiglass, furniture, sink, lights, photographs, plaster casts, pots, pans, books, cans, boxes, three pairs of underwear, linoleum, leather, wool, cotton, sound track, glass, metal, paint, polyester resin, paper, metal coffee can, sand, and cigarette butts 120 x 336 x 168 in. (304.8 x x cm) Private collection
Ed Kienholz To Mourn a Dead Horse 1989 Wooden table, television, light, photograph, horse's hoof, cloth, barbed wire, artillery shell, pencil, paint, and polyester resin 60 x 29 x 14 in. (152.4 x 73.7 x 35.6 cm) Collection of Nancy Reddin Kienholz