2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Red Fern Ella
Laying asleep or as if asleep
What is dormant?
To aggravate or irritate
What is festered ?
To place underwater; sink
What is submerge ?
Flexible; move or bend easily
What is limber ?
Capacity to withstand; fight; battle
What is resistance ?
Triumphant; ecstatic; joyful
What is jubilant?
A relatively calm gap
What is lull ?
Large veins on the side of the neck that return blood from head to heart
What is jugular ?
To mourn or feel sorrow for
What is grieve ?
Necessary supplies such as food or rations
What are provisions ?
A soothing state; daydream; stupor
What is trance ?
A rocky sandbar lying just below the surface of a waterway
What is a riffle?
Eager to fight
What is belligerent ?
A cluster of leaves; plants; shrubbery
What is foliage ?
A condition or period of bad luck that appears to be caused by a specific person or thing
What is a jinx ?
Appearing worn down
What is haggard ?
A collection of wild animals on exhibition
What is a menagerie?
Inappropriate; silliness
What is absurdity ?
Difficult to manage or control
What is obstinate?
Impossible to disprove
What is irrefutable?
To delay or be late in coming or going
What is tarry?
Give; donate; grant
What is bestow?
Extremely hungry
What is ravenous?
To examine by questioning formally
What is interrogate ?
To give in or give up
What is succumb ?