Hallelujah! Raise, O Raise From Psalm 113 Josiah Conder 1789-1855 Henry L. Mason 1864 Trinity Hymnal #54 CCLI #977558 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Hallelujah! Raise, O Raise From Psalm 113 Josiah Conder Henry L. Mason 1864 Trinity Hymnal #54 CCLI #

2 Hal-le-lu-jah! Raise, O raise To our God the song of praise; All His ser-vants join to sing God our Sav-ior and our King.

3 Bless-ed be for-ev-er-more That dread name which we a-dore: Round the world His praise be sung Through all lands, in ev-ery tongue.

4 O'er all na-tions God a-lone, High-er than the heavens His throne; Who is like to God Most High, In-fi-nite in maj-es-ty!

5 Yet to view the heavens He bends; Yea, to earth He con-de-scends; Pass-ing by the rich and great, For the low and des-o-late.

6 He can raise the poor to stand With the princ-es of the land; Wealth up-on the need-y shower: Set with Him the high in power.

7 He the bro-ken spi-rit cheers: Turns to joy the mourn-er's tears; Such the won-ders of His ways; Praise His name, for-ev-er praise!