FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto Línguas Aplicadas General Translation PORTUGUESE - ENGLISH SPRING SEMESTER 2009 Tue Classroom: 206.A Wed. 13:30-15:30 Classroom: 211 Teacher: Elena Zagar Galvão Webpage: web.letras.up.pt/egalvao
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão
Work in pairs and decide: Who wrote the message? Who wrote the message? For whom? For whom? Where? Where? When? When? Why? Why?
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão This Is Just to Say I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold William Carlos Williams, "This is Just to Say" from The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams, Volume I, , edited by Christopher MacGowan. Copyright © 1938, 1944, 1945 by New Directions Publishing Corporation. Used by permission of the publishers.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão The same text as poem: different choices Different context (author, audience, situation) Different context (author, audience, situation) Different purpose/function Different purpose/function Different reading/interpretation Different reading/interpretation Different TT objectives (skopoi) Different TT objectives (skopoi) Poem is to be translated for publication in a collection of poems by modernist writers; Poem is to be translated for a lecture on W.C. Williams (given in Portuguese to an audience who is not familar with the English language) and distributed as handout to serve as a window onto the original
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Ao sermos apresentados ao “mesmo” fragmento, agora rotulado de poema, o que antes era prosaico passa a ser poético. Como leitores do poema, membros de uma comunidade cultural para a qual o texto se enquadra dentro das convenções literárias estabelecidas, aceitamos o desafio implícito de interpretá-lo poeticamente e passamos a procurar um sentido coerente para ele. Passamos a pensar, por exemplo, nas possíveis implicações da oposição entre o acto de comer as ameixas e as relações sociais que esse ato viola. Oposição essa que não se resolve pacificamente:
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão ao mesmo tempo em que o poema, pela sua própria razão de ser, reconhece a prioridade das regras, através do pedido de perdão, afirma também que a experiência sensual imediata é importante (principalmente pelas suas últimas palavras “so sweet and so cold”) e que as relações pessoais (a relação entre o I e o you) devem antecipar um espaço para tal experiência. Enquanto que a tradução do texto/bilhete não nos trouxe maiores dificuldades, a tradução do texto/poema nos obrigaria a tomar várias decisões nada fáceis. Rosemary Arrojo, Oficina de Tradução
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão If Translation were an animal... it would be... because... Complete this sentence individually. Create a Word file to write this sentence/paragraph and, when you’re finished, place it in the Temporary Flupserv folder (Flupsrv 23).
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Dictionary of Translation Studies (Shuttleworth and Cowie 1997:181) Translation. An incredibly broad notion which can be understood in many different ways. For example, one may talk of a translation as a process or a product, and identify such subtypes as literary translation, technical translation, subtitling and machine translation; moreover, while more typically it just refers to the transfer of written texts, the term sometimes also includes interpreting.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão What is Translation? (1) a) a process by which a spoken or written utterance takes place in one language which is intended or presumed to convey the same meaning as a previously existing utterance in another language (Rabin 1958) b) the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language (source) to another (target), whether the languages are in written or oral form... or whether one or both languages are based on signs (Brislin 1976ª)
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão What is Translation (2) c) a situation-related and function-oriented complex series of acts for the production of a target text, intended for addressees in another culture/language, on the basis of a given source text (Salevsky 1993) d) Any utterance which is presented or regarded as a ‘translation’ within a culture, on no matter what grounds (Toury 1995). (quoted in Pöchhacker, Franz. Introducing Interpreting Studies, 2004: 11-12)
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão The basic conceptual ingredients contained in the various definitions of Translation are: an activity consisting (mainly) in an activity consisting (mainly) in the production of texts which are the production of texts which are presumed to have a similar meaning and/or effect presumed to have a similar meaning and/or effect as previously existing texts as previously existing texts in another language and culture in another language and culture (Pöchhacker, Franz. Introducing Interpreting Studies, 2004: 12)
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão The illusion of a fixed object of study There cannot be an objective definition fixing, once and for all, the ‘true meaning’ or ‘essence’ of what we perceive or believe something (in this case translation) to be like. (Pöchhacker, Franz. Introducing Interpreting Studies, 2004: 13)
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Translation: key conceptsTRANSLATION WRITTENORAL Interpreting / Interpretation
FLUP - Elena Zagar GalvãoTRANSLATION Process (translating) Product (translation) General subject field
FLUP - Elena Zagar GalvãoTRANSLATION The process of transferring a written text from SL to TL, conducted by a translator, or translators, in a specific socio-cultural context The written product, or TT, which results from that process and which functions in the socio-cultural context of the TL. Cognitive, linguistic, visual, cultural and ideological phenomena which are an integral part of Translation as process and product.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Roman Jakobson, “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation”, 1959TRANSLATION INTERLINGUAL INTRALINGUAL INTERSEMIOTIC
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão EXAMPLES (1) Interlingual You Are Irreplaceable: Change the Way You Look at Your Life (Paperback) by Augusto Cury Augusto CuryAugusto CuryIntralingual CHANGE website (learning disabilities) Harry Potter for Americans
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Examples (2): Intersemiotic
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Examples (3): Intersemiotic
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Some acronyms SL SL TL TL ST ST TT TT TS TS We’ll add to this list as we go along.
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Useful sites: International Federation of Translators (FIT): International Federation of Translators (FIT): European Society for Translation Studies (EST): European Society for Translation Studies (EST): (very good resources section) American Translation Association (ATA) American Translation Association (ATA) Institute for Translators and Interpreters (ITI) Institute for Translators and Interpreters (ITI) The Nairobi Recommendation (1976), The Translator’s Charter (1994 Ed.) Charter.pdf The Nairobi Recommendation (1976), The Translator’s Charter (1994 Ed.) Charter.pdf
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Useful sites (contd): European Standard (Translation services, 2004) European Standard (Translation services, 2004) Helping translators do better business / Helping translators do better business / / / John Benjamins publishing company John Benjamins publishing company St. Jerome Pubishing St. Jerome Pubishing Rodopi (publishing comp) Rodopi (publishing comp) Routledge publishing company Routledge publishing company
FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão Useful sites (contd): Multilingual matters Multilingual matters The Translator Interpreter Hall of Fame The Translator Interpreter Hall of Fame And many more, which you should add to your list as you find them while navigating on the net