By: Hannah, Anh, Kevin
We hypothesize that Biosoap will kill the same amount germs as regular soap. Variables that we’re testing: Leah’s Toy Human hands Toothbrush Dish Constants: Water temperature and amount Time it takes to wash Amount of soap used
Materials 12 LB plates 12 swabs 2 Dish 2 Used toothbrush 2 Human hands 2 of Leah’s toy Biosoap Regular non anti-bacterial Soap 2 ice buckets Thermometer Disposable pipette
Methods Control: * We swab from the original source to the LB plate without any method of cleansing. Regular Soap: * We wash one item from the set in hot water with regular soap and then swab onto LB plate. Biosoap: * Same as regular soap except with biosoap, the second item, and different ice bucket.
Leah’s Toy Results ControlRegular SoapBiosoap
Human Hands Results ControlRegular SoapBiosoap
Toothbrush Results ControlRegular SoapBiosoap
Dish Results ControlRegular SoapBiosoap
Conclusion The biosoap was just as good or better than the regular non anti-bacterial soap. The next step would be to figure out how to further improve the efficiency of biosoap.
Dearly beloved, We gathered here today to mourn the death of our treasured pipettes. Not much is known about their past life but when we finally got to know our expensive friends, they died of misuse and biosoap poisoning. Such a loss could have been prevented had we knew how to use pipettes properly. So let’s put our goggles and test tubes down and take a moment to appreciate all the electrophoresis moment we shared with those that departed. That’s what they would have wanted.