Vocabulary Word & P.O.S.DefinitionOther FormsSentence or example Valve (n)a device that opens or closes to let things through or to prevent entry p. 4 valvesThe valves in your heart open and closed to let blood enter and prevent blood from entering. Mournful (n)feeling or expressing sorrow, grief or depression p. 6 Mourn Mourned Mourns mourning She mourned the loss of her dog. Fuming (v)Releasing gas or smoke or feeling extreme anger. p. 9 fume Fumed Fumes The mother was fuming after her kids broke her vase.
Vocabulary Word and P.O.S.Definition and Page NumberOther Forms Ballistic (v) to get angry and lose your temper p. 24 Thoroughly (adv) done in a complete or careful manner, or it means very much or greatly p. 26 thorough thoroughness
Word and P.O.S.Definition and Page #Other Forms retort (v) a quick or witty reply p. 38 Retorts Retorted Retorting gingerly (adj) describes something done carefully and cautiously p. 39 Ginger dense (adj)describes people or things which are crowded together, something that is difficult to get through p. 51 Density Densely Contempt (n)A feeling or act of showing anger or disrespect toward someone or something p. 51 Contemptuously
Vocabulary Word and P.O.S.Definition and Page NumberOther Forms Tethering (v) to tie up or to do something that restricts ability to move freely p. 60 Tether Tethered Tethers Cease (v) To stop or discontinue p. 62 and 64 Ceased Ceases Ceasing
Vocabulary Word and P.O.S.Definition and Page NumberOther Forms Stow (v) To pack away or store p. 76 Stowed Port (n) A place where ships load and unload cargo p. 77 ports
Vocabulary Word and P.O.S.Definition and Page NumberOther Forms seldom(adv) Describes something that does not occur very often p. 81 distress(n) Suffering, pain, in trouble p. 82 Distressed Distressing
Vocabulary Word and P.O.S. Definition and Page NumberOther Forms Coaxed (v) to try to get someone or something to do something with gentle urging p. 88 Coax Coaxing Lingere d (v) to stay somewhere or to take a long time to do something p. 89 Linger Lingerin g lingers
Vocabulary Word and P.O.S.Definition and Page NumberOther Forms revive (v) To bring someone or something back or back to life p. 122 Revival Reviving Revived Revives Instinct (n) Something that you naturally just know or sense p. 124 Instinctively Instincts