CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA.


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Presentation transcript:

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA Consequences: Congestion Pollution Health

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA How to reduce the impact of the transport sector ? Reducing the number of trips in private cars, using public transport Using the most appropriate mode of transport Making use of more efficient technologies


CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA Drivers’ Awareness to Energy and Environment CCE and EVA carried out a national survey to ascertain drivers’ awareness towards energy and environment. SAVE Project with co-financing of the European Union (DG XVII).

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA Subjects approached: Measures to reduce congestion Car pooling/car sharing Alternative fuels Parking policies Road pricing Car labelling

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA Results for Portugal

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA Results for Portugal

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA u The first concern is the cost u Lack of information u Not enough environmental awareness Alternative Fuels - Three main conclusions:

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA Use of Electric Vehicles for Postal Delivery National project with the Portuguese Post and the University of Évora. Objectives: Study the potential for the use of electric vehicles for postal delivery.

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA Use of LPG in taxis in the city of Lisbon Study ordered by Petrogal to AMERLIS to identify the existing barriers to the use of LPG in taxis. Main Conclusion: The initiative to go forward depends on the market. The Government has already created all the necessary conditions.

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA Other SAVE projects: ECODRIVE (AMOR, EVA, ETSU, VITO, CCE) Objectives: To raise general awareness for the need of a more environmentally friendly driving style. One Conference in Graz and three national workshops.

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA Alternative transport plan (IDAE, CCE, local authorities) Objective: To implement a transport plan in an industrial zone near Madrid and a follow-up in Portugal.

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA ELMO - European Legislation on MObility SAVE project led by CCE with the partnership of AMOR, NOVEM and IDAE OBJECTIVE: To propose a common European legislation to incentive companies to implement transport plans for their employees.

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA In the scope of its OPET activities, CCE has also been organised the following events: Opportunities for alternative fuels in municipalities in urban transport Conference on electric vehicles (French Embassy in Portugal) Use of advanced vehicle technologies and alternative fuels in urban areas (impact on CO 2 emissions

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA CCE has also been involved in several activities aiming to reduce the negative impact of transports, as part of its OPET activities, namely brochures for RUE in transport sector and a publication on transport projects supported by Thermie and national programmes.

CCE’s Approach to Transports and Environment CENTRO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA