The village of Besullo is situated in the council of Cangas del Narcea. It is seventeen kilometres from Cangas del Narcea. Besullo is at 357 metres of altitude and it is in the parish of Besullo. BESULLO Besullo
The village has got a extension of 20,06 Km ² and it has got a total of 253 inhabitants.
Alejandro Casona’s museum Now there is a new museum in Besullo dedicated to Alejandro Casona, a famous writer that was born in the village.
Alejandro Casona Alejandro Rodríguez Álvarez, known as Alejandro Casona (March 3, 1903 – September 17, 1965) was a Spanish poet and playwright born in Besullo. He was a member of the Generation of ‘27. Casona received his bachelor's degree in Gijon and later studied at the University of Murcia. After Franco's rise in 1936, he was forced to leave Spain, like many Spanish intellectuals. He lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, until April 1962, when he definitively returned to Spain. He wrote a lot of plays such as La sirena varada, Otra vez el diablo, El crimen de Lord Arturo. This one is based on a famous play by the Irish writer Oscar Wilde. Flor de leyenda, La barca sin pescador or Prohibido suicidarse en primavera. His best-known plays are La casa de los siete balcones and La dama del alba, which take place in his birthplace: Besullo.
Alejandro Casona’s house You can find the house of the writer, called “ La Casona”.
The most popular festival is to honour “Nuestra señora de Las Veigas”, on the 15 th of August. There is a chapel that is called Las Veigas, and there is another one, called Magdalena.
The festival of the “Fumaza” should also be mentioned. This is celebrated during the Easter Week and it is a mixture between of pagan and religious culture (let's remember that in this village there are remains of both Catholic and Protestant chapels). During the Fumaza, the villagers create a bonfire of big dimensions that begins to burn in the cold of the night. Later, it is blessed by the priest and then it is ignited in the holy fire or of the candle of a neighbour. This act of union and happiness is celebrated from immemorial times and that culminates with chants where all, religious and pagans, young people and elders, meet to celebrate with joy while the rest of Catholics in Spain mourn the death of Jesus. Festival of the “Fumaza”
The water mill There is a water mill that is a large wooden hammer. The water of the river goes through this water mill and it mills the grain of corn or wheat which the farmers of this area use to feed their animals and their families. This is an old Photo from the water mill of Besullo.
Old photos of Besullo This is an old photo of Besullo’s village from the winter of 1936.