SIOUX VALLEY WIRELESS Rural Wireless ISP Showcase and Workshop September 18, 2003 Joel Brick A subsidiary of Sioux Valley Energy, Colman SD
Sioux Valley Wireless History Began MMDS TV in MMDS Sioux Falls BTA in Two-way wireless FCC Developmental license for internet in Initial Data equipment was limited, experimental and expensive. FCC two-way engineering and licensing was very challenging. We needed to become an ISP (Internet Service Provider).
Sioux Valley Wireless towers located at Colman, Rowena & Freeman, SD
Data Booster
What it took to Get Started… Legal Licensing: Ownership of MMDS frequencies. Ownership of BTA Sioux Falls. Developmental FCC Authorization to begin Service.
Lessons Learned… Legal Licensing: License was difficult, expensive and time consuming but Well worth it! Unlicensed compliments licensed New Proposed Band-Plan with rapid FCC approval will re-vitalize the MDS Industry! Will require market flexibility and cooperation. Ideal frequencies for broadband.
What it took to Get Started… Technical: MMDS/ITFS Super-cell FDD 1 st Gen. Data Co-exists with analog MMDS TV service. 3 Super-cells within BTA. Numerous unlicensed access points to fill in service area.
Lessons Learned… Technical: With good terrain – 35 mile radius achieved from a single super-cell MMDS. Omni Xmil + Rx works well in rural areas and keeps tower costs low. Using MDS1, MDS2A, with omni- single super-cell can service over 1,000 subscribers. (90% residential, 10% business) Can re-sell T1 capacity 25 times, 1-T1 serves subscribers, based upon user type. Must stay on top of system capacity!!! Buy routers on E-bay! Remote system management essential! Be ready for more symmetrical customer usage patterns.
Sioux Falls BTA
Subscriber Density
What it takes to Get Started… Marketing: Name recognition helps. Competitive prices-same in rural areas as in towns and cities. Availability where others don’t go. Variety of service plans, quality of service plans. Work with underserved areas.
Lessons Learned… Marketing: Bundling with other services is a big deal! Customers expect the same price, no matter where the service is. Targeted marketing/direct mail most effective. Work with community leaders to find opportunities. Find opportunities/locations where the competition has not gone. Static IP, addl. speed for gamers, VPN, options.
Lessons Learned… Customer Care: Always-on broadband more important than power, water, etc! Customers don’t care about the technology to deliver the service. Customers expect more than just a connection, tech support, virus help, set-up assistance, new PC set-up.
What it takes to Get Started… Partnership & Capital: Convergence of talents: RF/IS/Marketing/Customer service Not an ISP? Partner with one. A great business plan necessary. Know how many subscribers will be required to break even in a reasonable amount of time.
Lessons Learned… Partnership & Capital: Community partnerships work. Never underestimate the need for broadband to any rural area or reservation. Savvy business people who need our help and services. Rural business apps. can thrive in rural settings. Omni-Pro Software. Learn from other WISP’s. Stay with proven vendors.
Rates Residential-$44.95/mo. Business I (128 K)-$44.95/mo. Business III (256 K)-$74.95/mo. Business II (512 K)$139.95/mo. Business I (1024 mp)$499.95/mo. Business and Residential Installation $200
Network Management
Bandwidth Management
SVW Wish-List Hurricane Isabel hasn’t landed here! Rural Broadband program will include refinancing of existing debt for early adopters like SVW. Coalition Band-Plan will be Rapidly Approved by the FCC. FCC will continue to have an interest in finding ways to help WISP’s, both licensed and unlicensed, succeed in their business plans.
SIOUX VALLEY WIRELESS Rural Wireless ISP Showcase and Workshop November 4, 2003 Joel Brick A subsidiary of Sioux Valley Energy, Colman SD