1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 Pg 826 In Church Bibles Don’t be Ignorant...


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Presentation transcript:

1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 Pg 826 In Church Bibles Don’t be Ignorant...

Ignorance is.... bliss....bliss.... can be dangerous....

Ignorance is.... bliss....bliss.... can be dangerous.... can bring confusion, fear and sorrow fear and sorrow can bring confusion, fear and sorrow fear and sorrow

“I don’t want you to be ignorant...” #1#1 God still has a plan for Israel (Rom 11:25-26) #2#2 #3#3 #4#4

For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant Romans 11:25-26

For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved Romans 11:25-26

“I don’t want you to be ignorant...” #1#1 God still has a plan for Israel (Rom 11:25-26) #2#2 God’s Spiritual Gifts for us (1 Cor 12:1) #3#3 #4#4

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant: 1 Corinthians 12:1

...the things which I write to you are the commandments of the Lord. But if anyone is ignorant, let him be ignorant. 1 Corinthians 14:37-38

“I don’t want you to be ignorant...” #1#1 God still has a plan for Israel (Rom 11:25-26) #2#2 God’s Spiritual Gifts for us (1 Cor 12:1) #3#3 Place of suffering in serving God (2 Cor 1:8) #4#4

For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life. 2 Corinthians 1:8

“I don’t want you to be ignorant...” #1#1 God still has a plan for Israel (Rom 11:25-26) #2#2 God’s Spiritual Gifts for us (1 Cor 12:1) #3#3 Place of suffering in serving God (2 Cor 1:8) #4#4 Concerning what is coming-the End (1Thes 4:13)

TabernaclesTabernacles God’s Feasts Leviticus 23 PassoverPassover UnleavenedUnleavened FirstfruitsFirstfruits TrumpetsTrumpets AtonementAtonement Apr 19 th Apr 20 th Apr 24 th June 8 th Sep 29 th Oct 8 th Oct 13 th JesusJesus CrossCross Forgivenes s ResurrectionResurrection His Harvest Beginning of end Second Coming MillenniumMillennium ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔PentecostPentecost

“Three times you shall keep a feast to Me in the year: You shall keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread... the Feast of Harvest... the Feast of Ingathering... “Three times you shall keep a feast to Me in the year: You shall keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread... the Feast of Harvest... the Feast of Ingathering... Exodus 23:14-16

TabernaclesTabernacles God’s Feasts PassoverPassover UnleavenedUnleavened FirstfruitsFirstfruits TrumpetsTrumpets AtonementAtonement Apr 19 th Apr 20 th Apr 24 th June 8 th Sep 29 th Oct 8 th Oct 13 th JesusJesus CrossCross Forgivenes s ResurrectionResurrection His Harvest Beginning of end Second Coming MillenniumMillennium ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔PentecostPentecost 1 st Coming Now 2 nd Coming Leviticus 23

Not Ignorant about what is coming Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Not Ignorant by God’s Word Not Ignorant of the Rapture “caught up” harpázō - Greek rapere - Latin rapture - English cognate

Not Ignorant about what is coming Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Not Ignorant by God’s Word Not Ignorant of the Rapture “caught up” harpázō - Greek “To catch away speedily.”

Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. 1Corinthians 15:51-52

For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1Corinthians 15:51-52

Not Ignorant about what is coming Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Not Ignorant by God’s Word Not Ignorant of the Rapture “caught up” harpázō - Greek “To catch away speedily.” “To seize even forcefully.” “To claim for one’s own self.” “To take to a new place.”“To rescue from danger.”

Not Ignorant about what is coming Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Not Ignorant by God’s Word Not Ignorant of the Rapture Immanent, “signless” event

Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. Mark 13:33

Not Ignorant about what is coming Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Not Ignorant by God’s Word Not Ignorant of the Rapture Immanent, “signless” event Knowledge brings comfortcomfort

Not Ignorant about what is coming Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Knowledge brings Not Ignorant by God’s Word Not Ignorant of the Rapture Not Ignorant of the Day of the Lord comfortcomfort Sudden destruction

For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. Matthew 24:21

Not Ignorant about what is coming Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Knowledge brings Not Ignorant by God’s Word Not Ignorant of the Rapture Not Ignorant of the Day of the Lord comfortcomfort Sudden destruction Coming like birth-pangs

For many will come...and will deceive many you will hear of wars and rumors of wars...and there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Matthew 24:5-8

Not Ignorant about what is coming Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Knowledge brings Not Ignorant by God’s Word Not Ignorant of the Rapture Not Ignorant of the Day of the Lord comfortcomfort Sudden destruction Coming like birth-pangs For “them” not “us” v.3,9

7 Year Tribulation 1,000 years Millennium 3 ½ Trumpets Feasts Jesus 2 nd Coming Jesus Reigning Atonement Tabernacles Day of the Lord Rapture

Not Ignorant about what is coming Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Knowledge brings Not Ignorant by God’s Word Not Ignorant of the Rapture Not Ignorant of the Day of the Lord comfortcomfort Sudden destruction Coming like birth-pangs For “them” not “us” v.3,9

Not Ignorant about what is coming Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Knowledge brings Not Ignorant by God’s Word Not Ignorant of the Rapture Not Ignorant of the Day of the Lord comfortcomfort

Not Ignorant about what is coming Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Ignorance brings confusion, sorrow, hopelessness hopelessness Knowledge brings Not Ignorant by God’s Word Not Ignorant of the Rapture Not Ignorant of the Day of the Lord comfortcomfort strengthstrength and preparedness Us --- unaware yet Then - unaware and unprepared preparedprepared and unpreparedness

Not Ignorant about what is coming comfortcomfort preparedprepared