Essence of the Gita
Prayer àpÚpairjatay taeÇveÇEkpa[ye, }anmuÔay k«:[ay gItam&tÊhe nm>. prapannapärijätäya totravetraikapäëaye | jïänamudräya kåñëäya gétämåtaduhe namaù ||
Background Pandavas and Kauravas Arjuna’s life of a warrior War for dharma Bhishma and Drona Attachment, sorrow and confusion Refusal to fight Surrender to Krishna
Central teaching of the Gita “ na anuñocanti panditäù ” Wise people do not have sorrow. (Gita 2.11)
What does it mean? Problems will be there. Sorrow need not be there. Happiness and sorrow are attitudes. My happiness does not depend on people, objects or situations.
Steps towards the goal Krishna teaches in three steps
Prayer àpÚpairjatay taeÇveÇEkpa[ye, }anmuÔay k«:[ay gItam&tÊhe nm>. prapannapärijätäya totravetraikapäëaye | jïänamudräya kåñëäya gétämåtaduhe namaù ||
Steps towards the goal Krishna teaches in three steps àpÚpairjatay - prapannapärijätäya taeÇveÇEkpa[y - totravetraikapäëaye }anmuÔay - jïänamudräya
Step 1 – Devotion àpÚpairjatay - prapannapärijätäya –Bestower of boons to devotees Devotee –Devotion is possible only by following dharma Offer all actions as gift to God –Do well what you do Accept results as gift from God –You get what is best for your inner growth
Step 2 – Discipline taeÇveÇEkpa[y - totravetraikapäëaye –Holding a stick that is used to control cows What is freedom? –Freedom of senses and mind is bondage –Freedom from senses and mind is real freedom How to train the senses and mind? –Discipline in eating, reading, sleeping, etc –Practise japa and meditation
Step 3 – Knowledge }anmuÔay - jïänamudräya –Holding the jnaanamudra Thumb – God Index finger – I Other three fingers – World God is more important than the world.
Step 3 – Knowledge … }anmuÔay - jïänamudräya Thumb – God Index finger – I Other three fingers – Body, mind, intellect When I realize that I am different from body, mind and intellect, I am one with God.
Central teaching of the Gita “ na anuñocanti panditäù ” Wise people do not have sorrow. (Gita 2.11)
Prayer àpÚpairjatay taeÇveÇEkpa[ye, }anmuÔay k«:[ay gItam&tÊhe nm>. prapannapärijätäya totravetraikapäëaye | jïänamudräya kåñëäya gétämåtaduhe namaù ||